Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this unless specified. This is a work of fan fiction based off of the tv show The Flash, it also contains characters from the anime/show RWBY, and some created by the Youtuber Aphmau. The reason I included these characters is because I know I'll be able to write them better than some half-baked OC. If you don't like the fact that I included them, then you can leave. Thank you.

Note: This will contain spoilers for season three of The Flash, but as I can't watch it without Netflix I'm still behind. Also, Barry and Iris are not in any way shape or form together, they are just friends.

y/n = your name

y/h/c = your hair color

y/e/c = your eye color

y/f/c = your favorite color

y/s/f/c = you second favorite color

Your PoV

I walked out of Jitters holding my steaming cup of hot chocolate, my favorite kind of winter drink. It had just started getting cold enough where you needed a sweater to make sure you didn't get goosebumps. I shivered slightly, before continuing my brisk pace towards my apartment across the street. As I turned around a corner I slammed straight into someone, spilling my delicious hot chocolate all over their white shirt.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I apologized to the man, who was looking down at his shirt and then back up at me, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.

"It's not your fault, I should have been watching where I was going."

"Here, my apartment is right across the street, if you come with me I can grab you a clean shirt." And that doesn't sound creepy at all, y/n. "Sorry, that probably sounded super creepy..." He gave an awkward laugh, and I smiled slightly.

"Umm... if you don't mind too terribly, that would be great. Someone I work with is kind of looking for any way possible to get me fired, and I think he would classify this as something to help build his case."

"Totally get it, I knew someone just like that at one of my first jobs, she actually got me fired... but that's a story for another time. Anyway, my apartment is up that way, just follow me." The man (whose name I still didn't know) and I walked up the street until we reached the apartment complex I lived in. "Stairs or elevator? I live on the fourth floor."

"Do you mind if we take the stairs?"

"Not at all, this way." We walked up the stairs together, silently. I could tell the guy was very uncomfortable, and to be frank: so was I. This was not like me at all; just letting some guy come into my apartment whose name I don't even know. "So umm... I'd like to know your name before I let you into my apartment if you don't mind," I trailed off, looking at him over my shoulder.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm Barry Allen, pleased to meet you..."

"y/n. Just y/n for now if you don't mind." Barry nodded, and we reached the fourth floor. "Just warning you, my neighbors can get a little... intense if you know what I mean," I pushed open the door and we walked out into the hallway, where of course one of my neighbors was throwing out her trash.

"Hey, y/n! How are you? Who's the guy? Why is his shirt stained?" I sighed, Norah Valkyrie was a very sweet girl, but boy was she loud.

"Hello, Norah. I'm doing fine. This is Barry, I accidently spilled my hot chocolate on him and since I lived so close by I offered to give him a clean shirt." Norah rapidly nodded.

"Well, I'm off to make some delicious food for me, Jaune, Ren, and Pyrrha. Catch ya later!" And with that Norah ran back inside her apartment, slamming the door. Barry looked slightly confused, and I giggled (ugh, I giggled) at the cute look on his face. Did I just--never mind. That never happened.

"I'm over here." I pulled my keys out of my brown leather messenger bag, and unlocked the door to my tiny paradise. Most of the room was taken up by an electric keyboard, a desk and laptop, an easel, and many different types of paints. My walls were completely covered with my various pieces of art, which I had recently started doing more of. The apartment was pretty clean (except for my bedroom which was a black hole), and the only things on my kitchen counter were the sketches of a man and woman I had never met in my life.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." I ducked into my bedroom and searched around my closet for a suitable shirt, until I finally came across one my brother had left behind last time he stayed with me. I'll say one thing, it was cramped as anything living with two people in a studio apartment, even for a week. I walked out of the abys--I mean my bedroom and back into the living area, where Barry appeared to be staring intently at my counter.

"Here I have your--"

"Do you know these--" We started talking at the same time, before abruptly cutting off. "You go ahead." Barry said.

"I have your shirt for you, sorry if it doesn't fit." I pointed Barry in the direction of the bathroom and I walked over to where he had been staring so intently at my counter--and apparently my sketches. A couple seconds later, Barry walked back out, looking slightly tensed.

"Two things," he started. "One, whose shirt is this? Two, do you know the people in those sketches?"

"The shirt is from my brother, he forgot it last time he stayed with me." For some strange reason, Barry seemed to lose the tension he'd been carrying, odd. "And no, I've never seen the people in my sketches before. They were just the byproduct of an extreme urge to draw, and it only went away when I started sketching. They're what resulted. Why'd you ask, do you know them?" I arched an eyebrow, a skill I had picked up from my brother pretty early on. Barry hesitated a moment.

"I do, the woman is Caitlin Snow, and the man is Cisco Ramon." Barry glanced at his phone as it buzzed. "Oh shoot. I have to go."

"Hold on, let me give you my phone number so I can pay for the dry cleaning." Barry shook his head.

"I can't let you do that, y/n."

"Oh you can and you will." I snagged his phone and put my number in.

"Question, how'd you figure out my passcode?"

"I'll tell you if you let me pay for the dry cleaning."

"Fine, fine. I'll let you pay for the dry cleaning. Catch you later, y/n." And with that I let Barry out of my apartment and shut the door. Unfortunately, one of my other neighbors had seen Barry walk out of my door and proceeded to hammer on it.

"Y/N~CHAN, SPILL!" I sighed again, opened the door, and let a young woman dressed all in pink into my apartment.

"Look, KC: I was literally giving him a clean shirt because I accidently spilled hot chocolate on him. We are barely acquaintances. Now will you leave me alone?"

"I'll leave you alone y/n~chan, but that's only because I have work to so on my shipping--" I closed the door on her before she could finish her sentence. I'll apologize later. I picked up my journal and started to write in it about my day, before this strange urge to draw came into my mind. I tried to ignore it, wanting to finish my entry but it was unrelenting. I finally gave up and grabbed some sketch paper and a pencil, letting my hand work for me. Around an hour later I was done, I studied the picture, looking to see if I recognized who I had drawn. On one side of the sheet was the Flash, and on the other half was Barry? What the frick? I rushed over to my counter to find the other sketches, but they were gone. Fricking Barry took them--KC knows better--and he actually knew the people. I looked back down at the paper, when another urge began to surface. I needed to draw again, and so I did. And when I was done this time I knew where I needed to go tomorrow. Star Labs.

A/N: Alright, that's the end of this chapter. I'm planning on writing three chapters of this book, and if you guys seem to enjoy them I will continue it and try to regularly upload. If you don't, I'll still probably continue it but the uploads will be a lot less frequent and a lot shorter. Dragon out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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