Chapter 22

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 I visit father only once.

The dungeon is dark, cold stone slick with the water of the rains and smells faintly of vomit. It takes time to adjust to the dim lighting, but when I do I am pleasantly shocked by how few people fill the cells and they certainly look nothing like those in our own. These people look clean, untouched, and fairly well fed. Father is curled into the corner of his cell in the furthest portion of the prison. His clothes are slightly rumpled, but as a whole he looks as he always had. I am ashamed to admit that for a moment this reality displeases me.

He makes no indication of having heard my approach. "Why are you here?"

"Can a son not visit his father without some greater motive?"

"Not here, do not patronize me, boy."

"You know well I am no longer a child."

"You might as well be." Though I can tell he is goading me into something I cannot quell my curiosity enough to leave the bait.

"How so?"

"You think you can rule Ariox? You know nothing, you are worthless. You are not fit to hold your title. People need a leader, not a youngling playing dress up," I try desperately to ignore the bite of the words, the reflection of my own thoughts, my own worth. The effort shakes me, "...You will always be in her shadow." I surge forward ready to defend my honor and just as that satisfied smirk begins to form when I lift a hand with every intention to attack I come to a realization,

"Is that what you tell her?" disappointed at my lack of reaction he frowns, but finds no reason to lie, his fate is already determined.

"Among other things." My anger flares anew, could this despicable man truly be the same that I had once respected?

"You sick bastard, preying on insecurities. She is your daughter! you deserve your fate."

"She was a means to an end." I say nothing too infuriated to trust myself capable of rational decisions.

I could not explain what spurred the trip, it gave no sense of closure, yet I at least understand where we stood. I regret nothing. Good riddance to him I welcome the chance to make Ariox a better place. I do not mention it to anyone, not even Serina, though somehow, I believe she knows.

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