The Time Cassie Got Really Drunk...(Imagine 2)

Start from the beginning

Here we go. "Yes?"

"You are so sexy when you drive" she slurred.


"What? I can't admire my man?" her fingers began to dance over to me, trying to be nonchalant as they rested on the console in the middle. I didn't reply, trying my best to concentrate on not getting in a car wreck. "The way you drive with one hand," she grazed her fingers across the veins in my free hand. I snapped it away, keeping my hands firmly placed on 10 and 2. "The way you clench you jaw so tightly". She stroked my jaw lightly, her voice subtly becoming lower and more sultry with each passing word. She sat up and moved close to me, as my fingers gripped the wheel so tightly I thought they were going to pop off. Breathe. "When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts " she whispered in my ear, nipping at it as she moved away.

"Cassie no more. Sit down. I can't concentrate" I broke out of my trance.

She fell back into the seat and huffed. "Let me suck your dick".


"Fine. Hand job".


She crossed her arms like a little kid that wasn't getting her way. "You're no fun".

"We're home" I announced as I pulled up the driveway at the perfect time, punching the security code into the gate. A second later and I'd be dealing with a pissy and defiant Cassie. "Let's head to bed yeah?" I suggested, moving around the car to help her out.

She nodded and rubbed at her eyes. "Marshie can you carry me upstairs please?" She looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes that I'd fallen for, albeit they were glazed over and bloodshot right now.

I let out an airy laugh and turned around so she could jump onto my back. "Marshie? That's a new one".

She buried her head into the crook of my neck as I hiked through the house. "Well you're like my marshmallow. My sexy, buff, hot-".

"Come on baby. Not tonight".

"Why not?" she moaned.

"Because you're drunk".

I carefully placed her on the bed and knelt down to remove her shoes and socks. She fell back and sighed. "So? I still want you either way, drunk or sober I don't care".

"I'm not gonna take advantage of you baby when you're in this state. Tomorrow we can fuck all you want when your sober enough to decide to". I pulled her into the closet and grabbed her pajamas, pulling her blouse over her head.

She giggled and took a step closer to me, dropping her bra to the floor. "See? I know you wanna see me nakey, nakey, naked" she sung-spoke, trying to grab my hands and place them on her.

"I do, and I am right now, but that's all that's happening" I tore my eyes away from her and handed her the pajama's. "Put these on and get into bed".

She snatched them from me and listened to what I said, meanwhile I stripped down and brushed my teeth. I wasn't even gonna try and get her to brush her teeth. That would definitely be a messy, gross nightmare. Quickly, I placed some water and advil next to her side of the bed for the morning and went back to see how she'd gotten on. She was dressed and trying to take of her necklace. "Let me".

She obliged. "I have an idea. If you wont let me get you off, why don't you get me off?" she tried her best to reason with me, biting her lip cautiously.

"You don't give up do you" I laughed, pulling her back into the bedroom and guiding into her side of the bed.

"I'm horny!" she practically yelled.

"Yeah me too" I mumbled under my breath, switching off the light and getting under the covers. "Good night baby. Let me know in the morning if you still feel the same way and I'll take you up on your offer. Promise".

I closed my eyes and tried my best to get to sleep, knowing the long day we had ahead of us. Especially if we now were going to fuck. I thought I'd finally won as her breathing pattern evened and she'd stopped moving but I was brought out of my almost doze as she moved to lie on my side, kissing my exposed chest once. "Marshall?"

"What now? I told you we can't have sex-".

"No not that" I opened my eyes and could just make out her tracing the design of my tattoo, her finger hovering above my skin. "I never want to live a day without you".

I smiled to myself in the dark, moving my hand to run my fingers over her hair. The alcohol was talking now. "What makes you say that?"

"You always take care of me in every way possible".

"Always, and I will until you want me to stop".


I kissed her head and moved so we were in a comfortable sleeping position. "Goodnight Cassie. I love you".

"I love you too...Marshie".

"After tonight we ain't ever using that nickname again".

She grinned up at me. "Sure".


Hope you liked it! Did you catch the lyric references? I think there's three in total. Let me know if you did!

Side note: Who's listened to SZA's CTRL? I'm in love with every single song. Holy god. Who else is in love with her??

Love ya'll!

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