The meeting

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October 29th; I woke up that morning with a sore stomach, I barely ate breakfast I was so nervous. Today was the day I was about to meet him, the guy I've only known for a month, and had very strong feelings for. We had plans to go to the movies, my friend and her boyfriend joined along, just to make me feel a little less nervous. I remember looking down at my phone and getting a text from him saying "here" and my heart dropped. Yes I was so excited to meet him, but I was also scared I'd say something wrong or he wouldn't like me in person. As me and my friend were looking for him, I see her turn around and say "oh hi!" I slowly turned to see this charming, tall, handsome guy that I have fallen for. I, being an awkward idiot, went completely mute, I believe all I said was "hi"
We watched the movie Ouija, and he ended up putting his arm around me, and I just became so happy, knowing I was able to be happy again, even after my first heartbreak was the best feeling ever. I remember getting off the city bus after the date, and me texting him, asking if we were a thing or what, then he being his cute awkward self asked "will you be mine" and I knew at that moment, I had fallen, deep Inlove with this boy.

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