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         Late in the afternoon I headed to the police station,I hailed  a taxi and then walked a little, it was still snowing and avoided it as much as I could-  I was afraid of it.  but it was a pleasant walk, it was situated in a commercial area and before all that happened to me I used to love observing people, I guess some things never change ....

          I entered the police station doors, and greeted the officer, he gave me a very solemn expression which made my hopes fall, I sat in the chair in front of him hoping for the worst ,he started with a lot of seriousness in his tone,


              "We found his home Mrs.Sarah but it was of no use, his house was empty, we searched his house in and out but found nothing, we tried to trace him but most possibly he may have changed his name, it's not possible to find him anymore, we are very very sorry, the least we can do is distribute his sketch at all the police stations in the country and just hope that he gets caught" 

       A tear rolled down my cheek as my hopes crashed low, now I was stuck here, there was nothing I could do till Ahmed gets caught, I prayed to my Allah for help.

      I thanked the officer and left- on the way back I saw an islamic shop and this cheered me up a little , I've been reading only the surahs which I  had memorized, now I could buy a Quran and a few religious books.

        Acting all cheerful I bought everything I needed but under all this facade I was broke ! I may never see my parents again. I may never go back home again.


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