2. For The Record, It's Just A Crush

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"Hey. Emily, right?"

Emily looked up from her Chemistry workbook and nearly fell off her chair. All angry thoughts concerning whoever had been crazy enough to schedule a double Chemistry lesson first thing Monday morning flew out of her mind as she stared stupidly at the guy standing in front of her.

Matthew Spencer.

Stared stupidly, and gaped like a fish out of water. She blinked. Was she dreaming? No. Matthew Spencer, her brand new neighbour, was standing right in front of her, talking to her.

Talking to her.

She gave a short half wave. "Hey, yes that's me."

He remembered her name. He freaking remembered her name. She instinctively moved her palm to her chin to hide any drool that might have made an appearance.

He nodded towards the empty lab stool next to her. "Can I sit next to you? You are the only not complete stranger in this room."

Matthew Spencer, sit next to her? Of course, yes. Yes now, yes tomorrow, yes forever.

She nodded, because this was one of the many times words failed her. She couldn't wait to brag to Gale about this.

"Thanks," he said, placing his binder on the table and taking a seat. "You remember my name?"

She nodded again. As if any sane human being could forget.

She was now sat up straight, eyes stuck on the corner of the table next to her. Then moved to the tap in the middle of the table. Finally, she started fidgeting with the Bunsen burner.

She couldn't look at him.


All she had thought about after that dinner was the next time she would get to see him. Here he was, right next to her, just the two of them, and her eyes were being incredibly shy.


Typical of shy, awkward, hopeless Emily.

She was aware of him. Very aware of his every move. He had pulled out a book from the binder and was now writing on it. How was his handwriting like? Neat? It had to be. It was such a disappointment when a cute guy had a horrible handwriting.

Cute? No, the only part of Matt that was cute was his dimple. The rest? Hot. Smoking.

"How is it like here?" He asked, and she saw him look at her from the corner of her eyes.

His voice snapped her out of her self induced dreamland, and she mumbled an unsure "Uh?"

Smart, Emily. Take care not to ruin any negative hundred chances you might have with him with your shameful dorkness.

"The school, what is it like?" He repeated.

"It's good," she replied.

Don't say too many words, her subconscious warned. We both know you usually mess up somewhere in the middle of your long ass nonsensical sentences.

"I sure hope so, my last school was horrible," he said.

"Which was your last school?" She asked.


She couldn't keep from sounding stupid, not if he kept saying awesome things. Harrington was the ultimate private boarding school in the entire country. Fabulous, classy, and for the very rich.

She looked at him. At his perfect face with the button nose -that too, was cute- and thin lips. "Harrington School?"

He nodded and chuckled. "It's not as fabulous as widely believed, trust me."

"Most than others, definitely, then," she suggested.

He laughed.

Angels, did she love his laugh. Mostly because of how his dimple showed up. And boy, did she have a thing for dimples.

So far, Chemistry had been hard for her. She always tried to concentrate, she really did. But now, with her new heaven sent deskmate? She really feared for that already terrible grade.

"He is in my class," Emily said the moment she sat down at the lunch table. Gale was already there, with three of their other friends, Bran, Isaac and Louise. Bran and Lou were Gale's classmates, Isaac was Bran's best friend from the other stream.

"Who is in your class?" Louise asked. She was a short noisy girl, with confidence ten times the size of Emily's.

"I'm not sure I want to hear about this," Gale muttered, picking through his soya meat. That stuff totally grossed Emily out, she had never understood how he could stand it.

"Matthew Spencer. Do you know him? The new boy with... " she started explaining, but Louise cut her off.

"The bangs? Oh yes," Louise interrupted, her face brightening up excitedly.

"Two fangirls now?" Gale grumbled, scrunching his nose in pretended disgust.

"Two? Every single girl in this place is fawning over him," Louise informed him.

"Tough competition, Em," Gale told Emily, raising an eyebrow at her.

She glared at him.

"Why don't you give up now, before you get bruises and other cat fight related injuries?" He added, his eyebrow shooting up in amusement.

Emily shot him a glare that suggested that he would do himself a favour by shutting up. "I would never fight over a boy, asshole. And for the record, it's just a crush. Which normally, for me, dies after two weeks or less."

Even as she said this, she didn't believe it. Not a single word of it. Matt was special. She had never met a guy like him before.

"Let's not get all defensive, Blake," Bran said and chuckled. He traced the line of metal on his right ear with his index finger. His entire face was ridden with piercings, from his brows to his lips and tongue. Currently, however, he only had studs and rings in his right ear, which Emily found comforting since that way he didn't 'shine' too much. "The field is open for all willing players."

Emily rolled her eyes and switched her attention away from them. Her eyes searched the dining hall for Matt. He wasn't in line for lunch, he wasn't at any of the tables. At least not on any of those she could see from where she sat.

Had he come to lunch, at all?

She gave up and turned back to her lunch. The boys had gone back to discussing the weekend's football matches, Louise was insistently tapping away on her touch screen.

Seconds later, the voice that had the ability to make her spine tingle came from right behind her.

"Hey, Emily?"


Thanks for reading :-).

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