First Contact

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What do you call a trustworthy snake?

This is Cosmas and Izumi’s initial first contact.

Cosmas has reached the age in which he may take his own chunk of army from both of his mother’s, and being the youngest boy of two undead esq feminists, Cosmas has had to both work harder then most if not all of his siblings, plus he has had to create and maintain a decent relationship with his to-be Generals for his army.

All of his siblings have their own chunk of army and being a dude his mother’s gave him his bit of army at an later age so at this point I would say he is 22 years of age.

Today however, as his duty, he is spending a night out with his right hand men, the other leaders of his army,(some are female of course) so they took him to a place of their choice. “The Cobra” which is a strip bar of sorts, though rather Aladdin themed. Cosmas could care less.

Upon entry they are taken to the VIP seating area as one of his other generals own the place, a few hours of boisterous laughter from the group save fir some easily faked laughter from Cosmas as he is much more work oriented then social, he simply does this to gain the moral of the populace.

Another few hours goes by and he is left at the table to his own devices while the others leave to pester and pay some women on stage.

He is left sipping orange juice from a fancy cup thinking of how he will be keeping up this charade his whole life, he wasn’t a fool, he knew he was the weak link of the family, but he wouldn’t allow others to see it.

A hand is sent on the red table across from him and Cosmas drifts out of his thoughts to look at the hand, then up to whom it belongs to.

This man was clearly a dancer, his body seemed toned for swimming, though upon further inspection he doubted this man would swim at all with four or five purple snakes vining from the base of his neck very much alive with yellow and green eyes, his hair seemed to be black cut shirt and in a pony tail, his eyes were yellow and gleamed with fiendish delight, and just by how his lips curved Cosmas new instantly that this man had great self confidence.

As the man was talking Cosmas took a few more mental notes of this character, as he was trained to do his whole life, know your enemy before you speak to them.

The man then shifted his weight, and Cosmas was now listening, the same smirk still upon his shaded face, “I must be a treasure hunter because I am digging your chest,” he spoke, rather loudly as to speak over the music, but his voice tasted all kinds of trickery.

It then occurred to Cosmas that the man’s eyes, that had been previously looking at his painted chest, only now just looked up to his own pure red voids, he didn’t flinch like most did however.

Cosmas may have found this entertaining at the time he mostly confused as to how this man whom works in a strip bar could even begin to think himself as an treasure hunter, perhaps an excavationist was the proper term, but then again looking to the man’s thin arms covered in fanciful bracers, glitter and tattoos, well he slumped over naturally and spun his drink in his hand, he naturally avoided the looks the man’s purple companions were giving him and said, “gods I hope not.”

Temptation with a brain.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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