“I'm sorry, my mom can get crazy sometimes” I said while trying to seem at ease.

But I knew she would do that, like the day that I had told her that I was attracted to girls.

She wasn’t surprised, instead she kind of chuckled. I mean laughed at me, when she was finally finished laughing she looked at me and said “oh honey, I know”

I was sitting on my couch, and I swear if I was standing up I believe I would of fallen. But I had stared at my mom wide eyed and questioned her. “how could you of known I was into girls when I didn’t even know?”

she stood up, but before leaving she smiled at me and said. “a true mother is one who knows her daughter better than she knows herself.”

I chuckled. “and if I wasn’t, you would have been wrong.”

she was already in the kitchen, getting something to eat or something. “honey, almost no girl dresses like you. And those who do are openly lesbian, gay, bisexual. What ever you want to call it.

Up to this day it makes me chuckle. Even though my mother and I don’t talk enough, she really does know me.

When we got to the garden where the dance was being held I wasn’t surprised. But by the look of awe that Amanda had I could tell that she was probably in love with this place.

“lovely” she squeaked.

I chuckled. “lets go dance” I said while grabbing onto her hand and pulling her into the middle of the dance floor, few couples were dancing because it was a slow song, but I wanted to dance with Amanda, because I knew that soon she would be with Danny and I would no longer have her.

As soon as the slow dance ended a fast song started, people started piling onto the dance floor. Amanda and I stayed together to dance.

At one point I excused myself from Amanda to use the rest room. It was almost midnight, which meant that the dance would soon end.

I walked away from her and walked over to the snack table. I grabbed a cup of punch and was accompanied by Mary soon after.

I smiled to myself as I noticed Danny walk up to Amanda and ask her to dance. She seemed hesitant at first but agreed anyways.

“Hi” I said while drinking from my punch.

“Hello” Mary said while grabbing a cup of punch for herself.

“you look nice” I said while looking at her tux. “we have the same taste” I said while chuckling.

She laughed and looked at me. “of course, we've been best friends for some time now, we should have some things in common.” she said while smiling.

I couldn’t help but frown. “I'm sorry I haven’t been hanging out with you lately, its just that being around Chloe hurts.” I said while looking down a the cup.

“i know.” she said while looking around the room at someone. “i feel the same way.” she said in a quiet voice.

I noticed the frown on her face, similar to mine and wondered if she was as love sick as I am. But knowing Mary, I knew that she would tell me when she was ready.

I looked around the dance floor until I spotted the one persons who has been on my mind since I came.

From the first moment I saw her. Imagining her, I know my mind did not do her justice.

She was wearing a tight black and red dress, it might not be as pretty as Amanda's. But just looking at how happy she looked, and the smile on her face, she looked so much more beautiful.

But she was also dancing with a guy, and that made my smile fall a little.

“she misses you.” I heard Mary say.

I sighed. “its her fault we're in this fight.” I replied with some disdain in my voice.

“i know” she replied, surprising me.

“she told you...” I said, more to myself than anyone else.

“of course.”

“Umm.. Hi you guys.” I heard Chloe’s voice, causing me to look over to the stage where she was standing looking very nervous and scared.

“what is she doing?” I asked Mary.

She just smiled and looked at me.

“trying to get you back” she said before walking away from me and into the crowd.

“Umm.. well as you all know, I'm apart of the cheer squad here... and well most of you guys know how mean Kitty can be. Because of her I lost someone special.” she said while looking into the crowd.

“i wanted to say something, I lost this person in my life. Someone who is very close to my heart. Someone I love. And I came up here to tell her that.

“I'm so, so, so sorry Isabelle. I'm sorry I said those things. I'm sorry I wasn’t brave enough to come out of the closet for you when you did, you came out of the closet for me.

And mainly, I'm sorry I let you go. But this time away from you has been torture. I don’t know how people do it. I miss you.” her voice was breaking at the end.

But she held her head high, and with a serious tone she continued. “I'm up here to tell you that I love you, and to say screw you Kitty. Your mean, and a jerk. And your a homophobic bitch, and I quit your stupid squad. If being a cheer leader means losing Isabelle, then I will willingly quit.” she said before climbing down the steps of the stairs and running towards me.

“i love you” she said before wrapping her arms around me and kissing me.


umm so just saying, i dont know why but i find it kind of hard to write long chapters, so im sorry that i cant. i dont know why, i tried to make this longer, but i wanted to cut it there. :)

and ummm... yea the PoV's well there is only one chapter that was in chloe's PoV. the rest have been in Amanda's POV so i hope that wasnt confusing

and yea, about the jelous thing, well im trying to make the story more entertaining for you guys, sorry if its not. or if you dont like something, but they are in high school and well these kinds of dramatic things happen.


is it wrong that my prom is in less than a month yet i have nothing planned :|

oh well. :)

Umm. 20 comments and 30 votes? to know what hapens next. OOhh dramma, how will kitty feel about what Chloe just did O__________o

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