I just wish I knew

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I never meant to hurt you,

I only meant to make you smile..

I only meant to love you,

Then I began to act like a child.

I tried so hard to keep you,

But that only lasted a while...

Because sense I tried so hard to keep you,

You began to lose your smile..

I focused so hard on Making you happy,

I tried so hard to make it work.

I gave you things I thought you'd love.

But in the end I became the jerk.

You used to love the letters i wrote,

You used to always reply..

Now when you receive them,

You seem to start to cry.

Your replied with love and a voice unheard,

This I thought was true.

But deep inside your broken heart,

You knew our love was through.

You were scared to tell me,

Scared to let me know.

You were scared of my reaction,

And the that would show.

I couldn't take the hint,

No matter how hard you tried to show it.

I tried to keep my hold on you,

Hoping one day I wouldn't blow it.

Then the time was beginning to end,

Then the day came...

You told me things were not as things had been...

Told me things were not the same....

Space is what you said you needed,

Space for just a while....

Space to think about everything...

Yet that space took my smile...

I knew what it meant,

But I didn't want to except it...

I knew the day would come eventually...

But when it did i didn't expect it...

The time we had wasn't very long,

The time we had was meaningful though.

I won't regret all the times,

Times when I could see your eyes.. seem to glow.

The smile that came when you saw my face,

The heartbeat that raced when you saw me..

The person that missed me the second I left,

Now is the person that tends to appaul me...

It's not that I don't care.

It's not that i don't want to talk..

It's the fact that when I see you smile,

All I want to do is walk..

Walk right up to you,

tell you what you meant to me.

Just walk right up to you,

and tell you "i thought this was meant to be".

I knew we had been together forever,

Not even a year.

But the moment i truly saw you smile....

I held that smile Dear.

Dear to my heart,

Never going away.

Even to this point right now,

that feeling is the same..

The only thing i regret,

Is letting you in so easily..

I trusted you so much,

I thought you truly believed in me.

You promised me so many things,

So many... many things...

You promised me our conversation would never end,

and now my phone never rings.

I cannot expect you to feel the same,

And I do not wish to bug you.

But i wish that maybe just one more day....

I could walk right up and hug you..

These are the feelings I hide inside..

Everday day, through and through.

Love is a Powerful word,

and it means more then Me and You.

It means that you truly care,

you truly know it.

It means you don't have any worries,

Not even a thought of "am i going to blow it?"

So Those are the Things I wish I say.....

If I had one more day with you...

The Definition of Love is impossible to know...

Yet, it's still something I wish I knew

A poem awaits around every corner!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora