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Hermione pov

Yes she replied I nodded and entered the hall went silent all I heard was people whispering
Is that Hermione granger and Luna lovegood ?!
They look beautiful! They whispered
We finally reached our table
Then a few minutes later came Neville
Look it's Neville I'll go ask him right now ! I said
Luna blushed and nodded and walked over to him

Hey Neville! I said
Oh hey Hermione you look great! he said
Me ? Look at Luna I said
He looked at her and blushed
So me and Luna were wondering if you would like to come with to Hogsmade ? I asked
Luna's gonna be there? He asked blushing

Yea I smirked
So I could tell he likes her

Of course I would he said
Okay meet us after breakfast i said he nodded
Then I went back to Luna

What did he say? She asked
He'll come I said
She smile and blushed

A few minutes later

Luna umm Hermione a voice said
We turned to see Neville
Yes I said as Luna turned red

C-can I sit..with you guys ? He asked
I smiled
Yea sit next to Luna I said moving over he blushed and sat down
Hello may I sit here a voice said I looked up and saw Cedric Diggory a sixth year
Yes..if you want? I said
He nodded and sat next to me
I started having a conversation with Cedric while Luna talked to Neville

So what makes you sit here? I asked Cedric
Well I saw how a Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor sat together so I wanted to join plus I saw how beautiful you look today he said I blushed

Hey mione ask Cedric if he wants to come ? Luna asked
I nodded
Where? Cedric asked

To Hogsmade wanna come ? I asked
Who's going? Cedric asked
Me Luna Neville I Said
Then yes if ur there he said causing me to blush

Okay then the four of us will go Neville said

A Ravenclaw Gryffindor Hufflepuff? Where's the Slytherin? A voice asked
We turned our heads to see Riddle and malfoy

We don't need a Slytherin I said

Hello Hermione Draco said
Good morning Draco I mumbled

Since when are you two friends? Riddle asked

None of your business riddle I snapped

Anyway we don't need a Slytherin Luna said

Shut  up Loony  lovegood Riddle said

Don't call her that! Neville said

Oh really..? What are you gonna do about it? Riddle said
What we're going is leave I said

Oh are you scared now? Riddle said

No! actually I have plans with my friends I said

A mudblood has friends Riddle teased

I do have friends unlike you git! I said

He looked hurt but also angry but I didn't care he called me a mudblood

Come on we have somewhere to do I said walking past Riddle bumping our shoulders

Finally me cedric Luna and Neville reached
to the other Side of the great hall

I signed

Are you ready to go? Neville asked

We nodded then we left

Later after Hogsmade

Me cedric and Neville and Luna walked to the front of the great hall
We got there right when dinner started

We walked into the great hall with all eyes on us
So who's table are we sitting at ? Cedric asked

Hey do you guys mind if  I sit with you guys a voice said
I turned to see my old crush Oliver Wood

Sure I said softly blushing
He smiled I feel like I could melt inside
I knew that Cedric noticed
I brushed that away

So what table are  we gonna sit at ? Oliver asked

Any I said standing next to Oliver

Maybe Gryffindor? Neville asked
Sure we all said
I notice that the Gryffindor table was next to Slytherin
I sat next to Oliver while Cedric sat next to Neville who sat next to Luna

Granger a familiar voice said me and Oliver turned around to see Riddle
What do you want Riddle I said
He looked at me and smirked

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