The beginning part 1/3

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September 2nd, 2003


I walked into the big brown double doors of Frank D. Parent Middle School. I nervously looked around hallway looking for the office as I clutched my notebooks to my chest. This school is way different from my last middle school. It's much bigger, you have  to wear uniforms, and the kids look like their in high school. Plus it's just plain ghetto and disgusting. They don't even have any air conditioning. Speaking of my old school, I don't even get why I couldn't just go back. I don't even know anyone here. My mom said i'll run into some old friends from last year but I doubt it. After wandering around the long and never ending hallway, I finally found the office. I wonder why it's all the way in the back.

I opened the door and walked up to the secratary who looked a hot mess. She had long red finger nails, her "hair" was blonde and it look uncombed, and she had way too much make up on. "Excuse me," I said politely "I missed the assembly this morning and I'm a new student. I was wondering if I could get my schedule and locker number? My name is Chanel. Chanel Taylor."

They lady didn't even look up from her computer. I saw her roll her eyes. "I'm busy right now little girl. Go sit over there I'll get to you later." She said while popping her gum. And did I mention how rude they were here? I hope everyone isn't like that..

I sat down on the chair. Ooh I hope they have some cute boys here. Something my last school lacked. Me and my best friend Keyera would always complain about the lack of cute boys we had. I know I'm only 12 but hey! I need something to keep me sane while I'm here for these next two years. Dang I was really going to miss Keke. That's my girl right there. My crazy ride or die Puerto Rican.

"Um, what did you say yo name was?" The lady said popping her gum again. Ugh that's so annoying.

"Chanel Taylor." I said irritated.

"Here's ya schedule. Yo locker number is 375. Good luck."

I fake smiled and walked out of the door. Locker 375 was right across from the office. Great. I put my things in my locker and looked at my sschedule. First hour was math with Mr. Vantine in room 118. I found the room and walked in. Mr. Vantine was a tall, chubby brown skinned man with thick black glasses. As soon as I entered the room his loud booming voice filled my ears.

"So today we are going to be learning how to multiply and divide integers." As I closed the door his attention turned to me.

"Hello, you must be Chanel." He said smling and shaking my hand. "I'm your math teacher Mr. Vantine but call me Mr. V if you want. You can go sit next to Mr. Brown." He said gesturing to a boy with the most beautiful soft brown skin with braids in his hair.

I smiled, "Um, hi." I said trying to make some conversation so I could at least have one friend here. He seems nice.

"Sup," He said not looking up from his notebook.

"I'm Chanel, what's your name?"

"Khaleel. Khaleel Brown."

"I like your name."

He smiled, finally. "Thanks."

"So, is this your first year too?"


"Oooh. Well it's mine. I went to Franklin middle school last year. That's by Car-"

"Look can you just be quiet and pay attention please? No offense but, you talk too much. SOME people are trying to learn." He said harshly.

"Pay attention to what? You've been staring at that dumb notebook for the last 15 minutes! If that's what you call "paying attention' then call me crazy! You got me twisted, Khali."

"My name is KHALEEL. And you better watch who you talkin' to. I ain't afraid to hit no girl."

"Mr. Brown, Ms.Taylor, is there going to be a problem with ya'll sitting next to each other?" Said Mr. Vantine now looking at us.


"NO. It's not. As long as Khali keeps his hands to his self."

"It's Khaleel."


Khaleel Brown was the most attractive boy in 7th grade. Probably in the whole school. He had every girl head over heels for him. Especially me. But I decided to keep my thirstiness for him to myself. My new friends Jasmine and Dajanae both had dated him last year and they both hate his guts. They said he was a jerk. Shoot, a sexy jerk. He almost looked as good as Lil Bow Bow fine self. But I played along and pretended to hate him too. But it was the complete opposite. The only person who knew I liked him was my best friend Keyera. I think Dajanae and Jasmine knew I had some type of feelings for him at one point. Ever since that day in math we haven't said no more than three words to each other. I do tend to catch him staring at me in Math and Science. I sometimes stare back. Every once in a while our eyes connect and I smile and quickly look down trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. I always get the urge to talk to him. But for some reason I can't. I wonder if he actually really likes me. By the time we got into 8th grade we still hadn't talked and it was KILLING ME. We did talk once though. He told me to move out his way. He has a girlfriend now so I guess he think he the shit. Ever since 8th grade started and Karina Scott asked him out he's been acting...different. Or maybe he's been like this the whole time and I've been too  blinded by his good looks to even notice. This year I had almost every class with him. AND Karina. He'd purposely piss me off every day for no reason. I swear I HATE him!!! Ugh!!!!! Every time I walked by he'd kiss her in front of me. Or trip me and call me out of my name when he was with his friends. I'd usually say something back. But I had ran out of stuff to say. Plus I can't front like I don't like him cause I do. Everytime he kisses her in front of my my heart breaks a little bit more. By the time we got to high school,  him and Karina were still going strong. Or atleast he thought they were. You see, Karina is was you call a hoe. She's had sex with all of his friends and he doesn't even know. I heard she lost her virginty in the janitors closet in 6th grade. It's probably true. Khaleel wouldn't even look at me now since Keyera goes to our school. He knows she don't play. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with his mouth anymore. I hope..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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