A Call from Lucy

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I was relaxing in my room, waiting to be called for dinner, when my cellphone rang.

I looked to my side where my phone was laying on my bedside table. Should I answer it? But I'm so comfy in my position. Answering it would mean that I would have to move from my spot. I let it ring for a while before I decided that I should probably answer it. 

I reached for my phone on the 8th ring, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I said as a greeting. I was still feeling lazy and I was a bit bitter to whoever was on the other line because he/she made me move from my comfy position.

"Well, hello to you to my darling." I heard a distinct female voice. It took a second for me to recognize it as Lucy, my favorite cousin in the world. She was older than me by a few months but whenever we were together, people would always mistake us as twins. We shared the same brown hair and we do look scarily alike. The only difference is our eyes. While I had green eyes, she had chocolate brown eyes.

"Lucy! I haven't heard from you since Thanksgiving. It's been what? 3 weeks!" I know 3 weeks isn't usually a long period of time, but I was really close to Lucy. I missed her and she only came down with her family on holidays. She lived across the state and that saddened me. 

"I know, hon. It's just that I've been busy with school and this....guy I like." 

"Oh! Interesting. A guy. Tell me more." It was rare that Lucy like a guy. She would find them cute or hot, sure, but she never actually liked them. What can I say? Lucy has high standards.

"I didn't call to talk about James--"

"OH! So the lucky fellows name is James." I teased.

"Stop it, Monica. Did Aunt Rose tell you?" She asked excitedly, referring to my mother.

"Tell me what?"

"Mom and Dad are going on a business trip together for some conference thing for a whole month! And I'll be all alone in the house. And you know how lonely I get.  So, I asked them if I could stay with you guys and they said yes! My mom talked to your mom and everythings settled! I'm coming this weekend!" She squealed.

"Really? That's awesome! But how about your tutor?" I asked. Lucy was homeschooled and had a personal tutor that came to her house everyday.

"Thats the best part! I get to go to your school! Can you believe it? I can actually go to a normal school with classmates and everything! I'm so excited. Plus, I won't be alone because you and Aaron would be there. Plus, that cute friend of yours would be there too. What's his name? Marcus?"

Lucy had actually met Marcus before when she visited. Wait, she found Marcus cute? I better tell her I loved him so she wouldn't get any ideas. Oh wait. She had that James dude. Still, if I told Anna, I can tell Lucy. Besides, she can be trusted.

"Yep, his name is Marcus. But don't try anything when you get here. I am completely in love with him." 

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. 

"I KNEW IT!!" She squealed.

Ow. My poor ears. I held the phone away from me until I was sure she was done squealing. 

"You done yet?" 

"Yeah. I just knew something was going on with you guys! I felt the chemistry, you know? When did you guys become an item? Spill, girl!"

I hesitated. "Well.... we're not exactly an item. He actually doesn't know that I'm in love with him."

"What? How can you love a guy and not tell him?" She asked incredulously.  

"It's not that easy, you know!" 

"If there's a will, there's a way, Monica. It would be easier to just tell him. Go big or go home!"

"You wouldn't understand, Lucy. It's complicated."

"How is it complicated?"

"It can ruin our friendship!"

"Or it can take it to the next level" She pointed out.

I didn't have an answer to that. Truthfully, it's been a constant debate in my head. But come on! Give me some time! I'm telling him before graduation.

 "Oh, hon. I gotta go. I'm running out of credit. I'll see you this weekend and we will talk more about this." She said as she hung up.

I sighed. Now that she mentioned it, I'll probably thinking about Marcus the whole night and how I should tell him. 

Speaking of Marcus, I still have to find out what's been bugging his mind. 

Between my thoughts on Marcus and how to confess, and Marcus and what his deal was, the rest of the night passed fairly quickly. I soon found myself in my bed, staring at the ceiling.

Great, more time to think. I though sarcastically. 

I wonder what school will be like with Lucy around. 

I wonder what Marcus has on his mind.

I wonder how I should tell him I love him.

I wonder if I should even tell him I love him. I promised myself and Anna that I would before graduation, but I'm just too scared.

I wonder what would happen if I did tell him. Would he return my feelings? Would he deny my feelings and reject me? Would it ruin or friendship? Or would it take it to another level?

What secret did Marcus have? Would it affect our friendship? I wonder if his secret is that he loved me back. 

And I kept wondering. 

I sighed. At this rate, I'll never be able to sleep. 

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