Chapter 12

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New Delhi...

New city, a new life was waiting for Sanskar. Leaving his past, his love, his life Swara he  entered in a new house.

"Kavita, we get home to live but what about food."

"Sanskar... Buy something from hotel. I'm already very tired..."

"No, hotel food is not good for baby. U take rest. I'll buy some vegetables."

He left... Kavita was all alone.

"Hmm, Don't know God I did right or wrong but I did it for my baby. I know Sanskar must be in jail."

She arranged bed for herself. After dinner...

"Kavita u sleep in room. I'm going to drawing room."

"Sanskar, no need to show that u r so much decent... And don't think to come near me. It's no ur farm house where I'll shout then no one listen. I just need to shout at once then whole neighbour will come here."

"Ok, I'll not try... U sleep well and don't stress yourself, it will effect baby."

As soon as he left the room. Kavita immediately locked the room. The boy who haven't saw a girl except his love was treating like a rapist... But if ur good then, ur deeds tells it to others. Days passed away.

"Kavita, u don't worry I'll search a job soon. I was thinking to open a shop but first I have to collect money."

"I can give u 5 lakhs..."

"From where?"

"In my account. And don't need to think I'm doing any favour. It's ur money I stole because Sahil told me. He always wanted money, and my body. His fake love. And don't expect I'll say sorry to u."

"I'm not angry. It's good u stole them, else I don't know what I would do then?"

With the passage of time. Kavita started feeling that Sanskar was good human.

It was nearly 8 months Kavita and Sanskar were together.

"Sanskar... Sanskar."

Sanskar immediately rushed towards room.

"R u alright Kavita?"

"Ya, woh I want to eat something spicy... Please bring something..."

"U made me afraid. Wait I'll made something for u."

Sanskar made golgappa...😋

"Ummmm... It's too Yummy Sanky."

"U liked it..."

"Too much..."

"U know Shona also likes golgappa made by me..." He stopped while saying this. "U eat I'm feeling sleepy." He left.

Sanskar directly went at the terrace. He cried...

"Shona, while doing these things for Kavita. I always wished I would do this for u, For our baby. If circumstances would not change then..." He wiped his tears...


"U know my cutie pie, u r the best."

Sanskar feed her golgappas...

"So, yummy 😋. One more..." Swara noticed that Sanskar was angry... She sat on his lap.

"What r u doing?"

"I'm at my right place. It seems my hubby is angry."

"No, I'm not..."😒

"Haha look at u my cutie pie. Seriously my cute rasgulla... Tell me Y r u angry."

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