Chapter 1

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Heller guys dis my first story! hehehe Hope you like!

Cedie's P.O.V

"Cedie hurry up you're gonna be late!" ,my Mom yelled. "Coming" i replied as i franticly ran toward the car.When we got to school, the bell had already rung. I dashed toward my classroom. Another day at Valley view high. sigh "Another of day seeing him.", i thought to myself while running "The guy with an awesome laugh, sweet smile and- Stop it! That's not normal!" When i entered room C-20 , all eyes were on me.Even Daniel's, the most coolest guy in the world and the guy that i lik- "Stop!" i caught myself "He's probably not different like you." "Mr. Santos " my chemistry teacher said, "you are late..Again!"

"Sorry sir." i said as i walked to my seat. Peopled giggled and snickered as i passed by. Chris, the joker, giggled especially loud which sounded like he was choking while braying like a donkey. I took my place next to Sofia,a fellow Filipino who was shipped with me by some stupid girls.I plunked myself down took out my necessities and did the work sheet the teacher later passed out( even though i had to ask Sofia if she could share her chem. book ). After excruciating work on the periodic table of elements, i looked up to see Daniel and kids in my class throwing things across the room. His smile. I sat there and stared at him admiring his cheekbones and how his shirt was tight against his chest showing his nice and toned body.He caught my eye and grinned. I quickly turned away so he wouldn't see me blush.Oh my gosh did he just grin at me!!

My other periods passed by as i thought about Him an his wonderful grin.The lunch bell rang for people with 1st lunch (lucky for me) i got up and went to go get lunch.After i got my food, I went to the field to eat with my friends.

_____Le time skip___________________________________________________________

After i got to the field i saw him playing soccer with some of my other friends.Oh God what a sight. He was sweating and his bodily fluids(yeah i said it) rolled off his body as he ran and kicked.That's so hot.I shook my thoughts and sat with the otaku group for today.The group included Chris,Sofia, and Alyana who went on about an anime called fairy tail or something. I sat where i had a good view of Daniel and watched him for a while before getting back in the convesation about animes.

Daniel's P.O.V.

Was Cedie staring at me? And smiling? That is so cute. His beautiful eyes and the adorable way he blushes when i smile at him. Why does he have to be so cute?!?! "He's probably not like me , different, and he would most likely punch in my gut if i ever asked him out." I thought to myself. "DANIEL!", Sergio shouted. As i looked up and found out what was happening, the other team scored a goal. "What were you thinking about man!"Sergio exclamied,"Keep your head in the game or don't play at all!"

"Fine,whatever." i said walking away toward the tree where everyone hang out.And where Cedie was.

Cedie P.O.V.

"Stop it." Sofia pouted as Chris was running around with her backpack. "i gonna give it to Cedie" He teased, "Your cru-u-ush!" Sofia immediatly blushed and said "I dont like him!"

I giggled at them as they ran and yelled.Alyana was on her phone playing flappy bird and shouting whenever the bird hit a pole."Dang bird!" she would shout. Chris gave me Sofia's backpack and said, "RUN!" I played along and ran while in background i could hear Sofia scream, "Not you too." I laughed as i broke into a sprint trying not to let Sofia catch up with me(and believe me she was fast). I heard someone yell,"Watch out!" But before i could, i bupped into something very,very hard. I saw all black for a moment and relized what or should i say who i bumped into.

"Daniel!" i exclaimed in embarresment. My face turned bright red.

"Ow." he said.

"I am so so sorry!"

"It's okay... um.. can i talk to you?" he said, "in private."

"okay"i replied.

Alyana and Sofia where whispering and giggling something about a ship name Ceda-. CEDANIEL!

They had a ship name for me and him? The thought of him and me liking each other made me tingley. Daniel took me to a place under a different tree and started ,"Cedie will you go out with me?" I don't know how but i think my face turned redder.

I tried to speak but couldn't make a single word. I nodded vigorously

"Really?" he was smiling his wonderful smile. I nodded again.

"Cool." he said.I could sense the happiness in his voice."I'll pick you up at 7."

"Okay." i replied. The bell rang. Daniel talked about how nice i looked(i know right!!!) and walked me to choir class. He had P.E. next which was back on the fields, the opposite of choir. I said he didn't have to walk me but he insisted.When we got to my class he said bye and was starting to walk away.

"Wait!" i said. He look at me with a cofused face. I pulled him in by his arm and kissed him.I kissed him. It was like 2 seconds but to me it felt like an eternity. Let go of his soft and sweet lips and went into my classroom not caring if anyone saw. I was so happy i was practically screaming on the inside.

_____________________________________________________________________________ A/N: Sorry for only one chapter! (dodges shoes and flying fruit) It was my experiment to see if anyone liked it. So guys was this good? sorry if it sucked butthole And swallowed.

I'll try to get more updates in and again sorry for one chapter!!!!!


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