Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

We finish drinking our milk around the same time and Abby silently takes my cup and walks over to the sink to wash it out. While she's doing that I begin biting my cheek, realizing something as I stare at her from behind.

This is what I want.

If I could live in this moment with Abby forever then I would with absolutely no regrets at all. Everything sort of hits me at the same time as I really begin to think about it. And in the forty five seconds that it takes for Abby to do the dishes I make a decision in my mind.

"Abby," I say and she turns around to raise an eyebrow at me as she wipes her hands off on a towel. "I get it now."

"Get what?" She asks leaning back against the counter.

"You know how we broke up because we had to find ourselves?" I ask taking a step closer to her. "I don't think I want to find myself if it doesn't mean that I get to find you too."

"What're you trying to say Scott?" She asks as her eyes widen slightly. I'm just as surprised as her that I'm saying what I'm saying right now, but I feel like I'm going to spontaneously com bust if I don't get my thoughts out.

"My life has been pretty miserable ever since we broke up," I admit, rubbing the back of my neck. "The only good times I've had since then were when I got to see you. I think we've been depending on our own independence for awhile now and we both get it now, we both understand that with a relationship there has to be independence but we also have to rely on each other. And I don't know why we're putting off what we have if we already know what we were missing."

"Because I don't want to make any other mistakes," Abby shakes her head before looking back up at me. "I want to be with you for good without any possibility of something going wrong."

"We'll always make mistakes," I shrug as I run a hand through my hair. "Better that we make them together though, right?"

"I'm scared we'll hurt each other," Abby says and I take another few steps closer to her so that I'm standing inches away from her.

"I wouldn't mind getting hurt by you," I lean forward and place my hands on the counter on either side of Abby. One move and we would brush lips.

We stare at each other for a long time, the tension quickly growing between us. It's never taken long for tension to grow between the two of us, we're like a pair of magnets: always attracted to each other. I take a deep breath before leaning in and lightly capturing her lips in my own.

I haven't felt more at home in a long time.   


Are you happy again? Or have I completely failed as an author?

Hello there again lovelies. I'm not going to lie and say that I there are going to be a ton of chapters left in this book, because there might not be. But I've got something big planned that you're going to want to stick around for. This story will be over very soon but at the same time it won't be finished soon enough. 

Based on this book and the first one, would you continue reading my books after this is finished? Or do I just suck?

What'd you think the big plan is that I have coming for you?

Happy that Scabby seems to  be reuniting? I'm expecting tears and mental breakdowns from all of you. 

Do you like that the majority of this book has been in Scott's P.O.V? Or do you want a couple more chapters in Abby's P.O.V?

Think Scott's parents are going to give him a hard time when they come back in the next two or three chapters?

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