Morning sickness!

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Wolfam pov...

Uhhh I feel like crap but yet time go get my usual clothes on....

What the hell it won't go on am I too fat? Or am I no I can't be but then again I did do it with Yuuri!

Were are you going? Yuuri asked

Baka! Take me to the other world the one you live in Baka Baka Baka Baka ! I said screaming everyone looked at me I just ran to my room and hid in my bed how am I gonna to get rid of it Mabe if I do it with him again then it will- NO NO NO NO Mabe I should just have it in secret but how can I. I hate this! The last this I said out loud and cryed slowly to myself what if I kill it I said with insane eyes I can't deal with this!


I have to tell you something I may be pragant! I said tearing up more

Wait what! Ok ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's get you checked out come with me...

We went to his room and he checked me out

Wait what! Yuuri said

Yuuri! I um please don't leave me if you do it's fine with me I don't care I understand! I said tearing up

Wait what no! I won't leave you but who got you pragant? He asked as we walked out

Uh wait what! I said oh ya he was drunk so he dose not really​ remember
., ...... . .....

Wolfram x yuuriTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang