Chapter Five - The Golden Trio

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"How did yo—" Kick starts.

"I don't know." says Jack.

Kick turns to Joe Jr., "And how did yo—"

"I don't know." says Joe Jr., "I had heard that tough encouragement helps but I didn't thin—"

He doesn't bother to finish, instead he looks at Jack, smiling.

"Well?" he asks.

Jack looks at him: "Well what?"

Joe Jr. laughs, "Are you going to walk or not?"

Kick smiles, and slowly Jack begins walking across the living room, slowly at first, but gaining speed as he goes along. Joe Jr. and Kick cheer, as Jack's smile turns into a toothy grin.

And so The Golden Trio of born...

Two weeks later, The Golden Trio debuts Jack's newly reformed ability at the dinner table. The family cheers and howls, all excited at Jack's progress.

"It's wonderful!" says Joe Sr., proud of his younger son. Jack beams at the sign of his father's pride. For some it isn't rare, but with Joe Kennedy it had to be earned, and Jack has most certainly earned it.

"But I don't understand!" exclaims Rose, "How did you do it?"

Jack smiles and looks back at Joe Jr., "I just needed some encouragement, that's all."

Joe Sr. notices this glance and takes it in, and it makes him even prouder.

Later that night, Joe Sr. and Jr. are sitting in the parlor in front of the fireplace. Against Rose's wishes, Joe Jr. is enjoying a scotch with his father. They've been silent for awhile, but finally Joe Sr. speaks:

"I'm proud of you, for the support you've given Jack. I know it contributed a lot to his recovery."

"The truth is that Jack is a better person than I give him credit for."

Joe Jr. sighs as he stares into the fireplace and looks into the fire:

"Oh God, Dad, I've been so cold. So heartless. But these past two weeks, with Jack and Kick, I've realized how good it feels when you are enveloped in love and pride. I see the way Jack, Bobby, and even Teddy look up to me and I realize the kind of man I have to become. The growing I have to do."

Joe Sr. pats his son on the knee, "I'm glad, son. I am."

They return to their previous silence, but this time they both have a warm feeling inside. They are a father and son. The pride and joy of one another's lives.

One Month Later

Joe Sr. stood in front of the crowded convention hall, heart beating fast. At that moment nothing could stop him, he was Joe Kennedy, he was invincible.

"I end by agreeing with Prime Minister Chamberlain that we can live in peace with Hitler and his new Germany and that war is never the option!"

The crowd only clapped for a few moments, and it wasn't very enthusiastic, either. Jack stood to the side next to Joe Jr., who seemed to be the most enthusiastic listener. He was conflicted, he didn't agree with his father, but how could he say so? He couldn't, not without being branded a traitor. He was also concerned with his father's political career, he didn't know how he could keep his job when President Roosevelt seemed to agree with Winston Churchill that war was imminent.

Jack looks over at Joe Jr. and says, "Are you sure he should do this?"

Joe Jr. looks back at Jack, and laughs: "He's a Kennedy, Jack, what could they possibly do to him?"

Joe Jr. then left to congratulate his father, but Jack stayed, shaken by Joe Jr.'s words, and silently, to himself, he replied:


That summer was the last golden summer before the war, complete with London's own Golden Trio, and Jack and Kick and Joe Jr. were each other's closest companions. But, like most things with the Kennedys, it would never be that way again.

The sun was shining through the breakfast room that morning, and Joe Jr., Jack, and Kick were sitting at the table when Bobby came in, he looked sad.

Kick looked up from the table, and noticed Bobby's expression.

"Bobby, what's wrong?"

Joe Jr. and Jack both looked up from their respective papers.

"It's Mama." he said, "She's crying."

At this point Rose entered, wiping tears from her cheek, Jack looks at her:

"Mom, what is it?"

"It's war, Jack."

"What?" Joe Jr. and Jack say it at the same time.

"Britain and Germany are at war."

Then, all at once, The Golden Trio's hearts collectively dropped.

They went for a walk that afternoon, as if war hasn't broken out that morning. But it wasn't the same.

They walked in silence, for awhile, until finally Kathleen spoke: "It's so awful."

It was silent for a little while longer, and then Jack said: "I suppose that soon enough Joe and I will be soldiers."

Joe Jr. scoffed, and Jack looked at him, confused. Joe Sr. sighed, "With your health, Jack?"

And suddenly "The Golden Trio" faded and became one of the many dreams the Kennedys bore to make the hardest of times bearable.

Then, suddenly, nothing was ever the same again...

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