Chapter 30

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Kirkwall - Lowtown

"Where are we going now Hawke?" Fenris asked after they'd stopped at the Hanged Man to collect Varric and Isabella.

"I don't have a destination planned. I heard a few rumours, but I should check on Uncle Gamlen. See how he's doing."

"No plan?" Varric exclaimed. "Maker, what's the world coming to?"

"Funny Varric." Kirah retorted. "It's not as though I need to solve every problem in Kirkwall."

"You may not need to." Isabella chimed. "But trouble always seems to find you Hawke. You're like the centre of a hurricane."

Kirah grunted, ignoring them as she led them down the street to Gamlen's house. He was his usual prickly self, but told her he was proud she was part of the family. As they were leaving, she spotted a crumpled note on the table and picked it up.

"Leave that be!" Gamlen grumbled. "It's nothing that concerns you."

"It doesn't sound like nothing. What's this about a gem? The note says someone has found it."

"It's none of your concern. I lost everything chasing that damned gem. Our fortune, my future, Mara...."

"Who's Mara?"

"None of your damned business girl!" He shouted. "Go bother someone else about their problems and leave me be."

Kirah left. It was clear she wouldn't learn any more from him, so they left.

"We going to go check this out Hawke?" Varric asked.

"Of course Varric. I'm curious."

"You're like a cat Hawke." Fenris grumbled. "Your curiosity is a dangerous thing."

"I like cats." Isabella smiled.

"You like a lot of things." Fenris retorted.

"Come on." Kirah said, ignoring them both. "Let's go to this meeting place."

They headed to Darktown and as they approached the meeting place, they saw several rough-looking, armed men waiting for them.

"You here about the note?" One of them demanded.

"What's this about a gem?" Kirah asked. "Who are you?"

"Who I am isn't important. We just want the gem."

"And what makes you think I have it?"

"We're not stupid. The note said whoever showed up would know all about it."

"I'm surprised you know how to read, let alone what a note is." Kirah retorted.

"I don't need to read. All I need to know is which pointy end of my sword goes where." He snapped. "Get them!"

Kirah tossed a confusion grenade and jumped backwards out of the reach of the man's sword. When she and the others had eliminated the group, Isabella found another note on one of the bodies.

"What's a wallop mallet?" She asked.

"I have no idea." Kirah replied.

"Doesn't your Uncle Gamlen have one hanging on the wall in his living room?" Varric said.

Kirah groaned. "Ugh. This is silly. Let's head back."

After speaking with Gamlen again and checking his mallet, they headed to the alienage. Why anyone would have made a wallop mallet from the tree there, was beyond them.

An elf overheard them talking and passed Kirah another note, saying he'd been told to give it to anyone who showed up asking about wallop mallets.

"Another note?" Kirah sighed. "This person is like a cheap whore, promising things and never delivering."

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