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Louis hasn't left his room in a week...well harry hasn't seen him leave his room in a week. Part of him was glad because Louis really scared him and he was glad Jay came home just in time, Harry also heard jay scream at Louis through his room door because he shouldn't be treating Harry like that.

"M-mummy."Harry whimpers running to jays legs before she can leave him. "Stay mummy stay."Harry cried hugging her legs tightly. He didn't want to be alone with Louis anymore, whenever jay left for work she thought Louis was at school but in reality Louis was locked up in his room on the phone with some boy named 'Zayn' .

"Harry."Jay coos running her fingers through his curls. "It's on,y thirty minutes before lou lou gets home sweets. He won't mess with you okay? I talked to him."Jay explains to the small boy who looked up at her with puppy dog eyes and pouting lips his eyes slightly glossy, his cheeks pink as ever.

"Otay mummy,"Harry sighs letting the women's legs go so she can walk out the front door. With a kiss to his forehead and cheek jay leaves. Harry stabs by the door putting the thumps of someone coming down stairs going unnoticed.

"Staring at the door won't bring he back."Louis cuts in, although Harry knows how mean it his. He rolls his eyes and turns around to face Louis who was only in black gym shorts with bed head.

"No talk to Harry!"Harry spits through gritted teeth and his small arms crosses against his chest. "Big fat meanie!"The words slip from his mouth before Harry could even realize what his says, Louis turns to him slowly his light blue eyes now dark.

"The fuck did you just say?"Louis swears through gritted teeth because this fucking think did just not fucking insult him in his own damn home! Harry cowards away whimpering to himself. Louis looked really mad.

"S-sorry!"Harry squeaks covering his mouth with his ting hands, his pink crop top rising in the process. Louis storms over to him them now in the same position as a week ago, "Harry sorry!"Harry sobs trying to push Louis away, his small hands not doing him any justice when they push against Louis' chest.

"Don't talk to me like that harry"Louis grumbles and in one swift movement (Harry is still clueless how it happened so fast) he's bent over the couch in the living room his black skirt now hiking up with Louis holding his wrist down on to the couch.

His tummy felt all fuzzy and his panties were wet? Harry mentally cries to himself thinking his peed a bit in his new panties he found in a unopened packaged in Lottie's room. Louis didn't say anything just holding the small boy down breathing heavily.

Panties, fucking lace panties. Louis screams to himself watching as harry tried to free from his grip his skirt only raising more in the process. Louis was now only using one hand to hold down Harry's wrist as he dragged the other across his slim body.

"Fuck"he curses lowly because he wasn't supposed to be doing this, he wasn't suppose to have a little boy bent over a couch wanting to fuck him senseless. Not even his ex-girlfriends got him turned on. Was he a pedophile now? Harry was only fourteen.

"Lou."Harry whimpers. The noises leaving his mouth turned louis on even more, slowly he pressed his hard on between Harry cheeks and the small boy squeak. Whatever that was huge. "Wha-what that."Harry almost moans, it felt good. It felt the same as when his dad tried to touch him but that didn't feel good. Louis felt good.

Harry pushed back against Louis letting out a loud moan. "Lou-"Louis pushed him back and let him go storming back up to his room leaving a dazed out Harry behind on the couch with his panties all wet and flushed cheeks.




the cutest that i've ever seen  [l.s] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now