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It was Malfoy who decided that he's had enough. He took back his hand, grabbed his belongings and was already out the door before Hermione could've fully processed what had happened between them. She knew she'd crossed a line somehow. Before that night, they were only just beginning to get used to each other's presence without going for the kill, now all that progress has gone to waste, what with Malfoy's newly-developed hermit crab tendencies wherein he retracts back into himself at the slightest change in the air.

She remembered the door slamming shut with a loud thump and how she instantly felt the atmosphere sink heavier as if Malfoy had sucked out all of the energy of the room along with his departure.

Hermione thought of apologizing to him the next day for pushing him a little too far, but it never happened, seeing as she hasn't managed to catch a glimpse of him for the entirety of the next five days.

How he managed it when they had all the same classes, she had absolutely no idea. No sign of platinum blonde hair during meals, in the corridors, in the classrooms, anywhere. She even went to the Astronomy Tower. It was always empty. If it wasn't for the fact that Theo didn't seem all too bothered about Malfoy's disappearance, she would've sought him out. He explained that Malfoy was much like Luna in that aspect, one minute here and one minute gone without a hello or goodbye. She didn't get why it was bothering her this much, she shouldn't be bothered by it at all, but she was, and so being Hermione Granger, she did what she did best whenever she was frustrated – threw herself into overdrive.

The need for focusing all her hours and attention in her schoolwork couldn't have come at a better time because of everything that has was coming up. Essays were due left and right, brewing her Wiggenweld Potion for extra credit, patrols, and of course, the Yule Ball preparations. Throughout the week, she barely had enough time to eat at the proper times, let alone see her friends.

"I don't think my legs can take one more second of dancing. How about notes? Are there any more of them?" She asked Anthony as the two of them spent that Friday night holed up in the Heads' Common Room. They've been practicing the waltz for two straight hours, in between their Head duties that consisted mainly of answering notes from students that are left in the little drop-box they have outside of the HCR. "Maybe we need to go over the tutoring program again?"

Anthony gave out an exhausted chuckle as he turned off the music. "'Relax, everything's under control. We've probably already rewritten that blasted program five times now, I don't think altering it again would magically make the prefects have more time to tutor more students than they already do." With his wand, he neatly packed away his things. "You need to rest. Do nothing over the weekend for a change."

Great – not like that's exactly what I've been avoiding all week.

Left alone in the HCR, she allowed resting her head on her desk, wracking her brain for other things that she could do that would help in distracting herself from the ferret. When she came up with none, she sighed then finally made her way to her dorm.

Life sure works in mysterious ways though. Just when you think you've got it all mapped out, it goes ahead and rips it to shreds. Her pair of scissors has a name, and it is none other than Draco Malfoy.

"I'm ready for lesson two when you are."    



Guess who's back back again? Heeeey lovely readers of mine! So very sorry for the super delayed update. I misplaced my hard-drive over the Easter break and all of my chapters are on it! I found it tho (it was in my sock drawer oops) Hope ya'll had a fantastic long weekend and don't worry, updates will be back on track after today.

Dedicated to @Luna_Maximus for voting on all of TMFM's chapters so far! Thank you all for still reading and patiently waiting for the next chapter! Don't forget to add this to your reading lists so you never miss an update ;) Comments are always welcome xx

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat