Chapter 8

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10 Years Later......

        "No Hanna. You're always working. You promised me remember?"

        Hanna sighs. "I know Becky. And I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you okay?"

       "No. Not this time Hanna. You're suppose to be my maid of honor. AND this is your fitting session. How are they suppose to do your fitting if you're not here? No, nah uh. You owe me. I am going to wait right here until you come." 

        "What?! No, Becky......" Hanna pleads, but Becky had already hung up. Darn it. 

        Hanna sighs in defeat before returning to the crowd. The photo shoot was running well over the time it was originally scheduled for since the models got stuck in traffic and now Hanna was late for her appointment with Becky and her dress fitting. 

        "Okay guys. 15 more minutes and we're gonna wrap this up." Hanna yelled out to the staff and models. 

        Times like these made her job a lot harder than it already was, but then again, that's what she loved about being a professional photographer for big name brands and magazines. 

      Becky was right, Hanna did owe her, and big time too. It's funny how their roles have reversed. She use to be the one to always owe Hanna, but with the way their lives were now, Hanna quickly evened the favors out and now surpassed the amount Becky had ever had.

        With Hanna's busy, unstable and unpredictable work schedule, she has not been of much help to Becky at all as the maid of honor. Though she didn't mind so much, there were times when she would have really appreciated it if her best friends was there. Becky didn't think that that was too much to ask for especially since Hanna was a free agent and didn't belong to one particular company. This meant that she had a little more freedom in controlling her schedule, but then it also meant that everything fell on her. And the job offer just kept on coming in.

        But could Becky blame Hanna? No because she was just that talented and good at her job. She has no doubt that Hanna was constantly flooded with job offers from all around the nation for magazines, perfumes, clothing, make-up and so much more. This was great and as her best friend, Becky couldn't be happier for her, but no matter how much she knew Hanna loved her job, she couldn't help but want something else for her. She wanted for Hanna what she had with her husband-to-be: love.

        But where was she going to find someone for Hanna when she herself barely even saw her best friend. Hanna was just too busy for someone so young and single.

        "It's not like he's just gonna pop out of nowhere." Becky silently says to herself; secretly praying that he would.

        Hanna quickly wrapped up the photo shoot and drove like a madwoman to the bridal shop. When she arrives, Becky was with one of the other bridesmaid, getting her final fitting.

        Fully knowing that she was not happy, Hanna slowly creeps behind Becky and goes in for a back hug. "I'm sorry."

        Becky turns around and tries her best to look mad, but it didn't last very long. There was no way she could ever stay mad at Hanna; especially after taking a good look at her. Hanna's baby hair were flying all over the place and some were sticking to her forehead; her cheeks were a bright hint of pink and her lips were a bit chapped definitely indicating that she had been outdoors for quite some time. 

       Her heart ached for her best friend. Not ignoring the bags under her best friend's eyes, Becky sighs and points to the room to her right.

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