I'd been in the crows nest since I was given the news. Everyone tried to talk to me but I just sent them away, even Benn and Shanks. I didn't want to see anyone but I couldn't dream of facing Shanks now; not with the news I'd received. I just stood there while petting Nazami's head and thinking. I couldn't eat anything, I couldn't talk to anyone, the only one that could come close enough to me was Ignus and that was just to check my injuries. Yasopp left food for me in case I changed my mind but I didn't want it at all. All I could do way replay Ignus' words repeatedly. I asked him not to tell anyone and he promised not to.
Down below I heard them whispering about who would try to get me to talk but no one could agree because everyone want to talk to me.
"Nazami, your the second biggest jerk of all, you know that?" She made a sound of disappointment and I chuckled.
"It's fine, though. I understand why you did it." She made a happy sound at this and soon my thoughts started to pool over to her.
"Nazami, have you ever dreamed of making your own family?" She nodded and I smiled as best I could but the tears were making it hard.
"Good, at least one of us can have that. My opportunities for that are gone." A sob formed in my throat and I layed my head on Nazami's snout and cried while pouring everything out to her.
"I knew everything was to good to be true. Escaping from Grandosa, my dad letting us go, there is always a sick price to pay for something so good." Kazumi whined a bit and tried to nudge me.
"When you get your family protect them. Have a big one for me okay?"
"You make it sound like your dying."
I glared at Benn and saw both him and Shanks was up here with Yasopp.
"Go shove it you old gorilla!"
"Old? I ain't that old you brat!"
"Oh yeah, I bet you get cronic back pains and your knees ache at random moments."
"Why you little-"
"Geez, could you both not fight for once."
"Butt out long nose," both Benn and I said simultaneously. We glared at each other once more only this time Yasopp glared as well.
"Long nose? You guys are just too terrible. Both of you act like an old married couple." Me and Benn both stood over a now scared Yasopp and had on our scariest faces.
"You think I'd marry this old fart?"
"You think I'd marry this shrimpy brat?"
We punched Yasopp together and turned away from him like children shunning another kid at a playground.
"I'm sorry," Yasopp said in pain. I was going to reply but Shanks snatched me into his arm and I blushed when I saw how flustered and jealous he looked. A sly smile played on my lips and I decided to tease him.
"Hey Benn, I think the captain here is jealous." Benn instantly caught of and decided to take part.
"Your right, he does look like his feathers had been ruffled up a bit."
"Kazumi..." the tone of Shank's voice sent shivers down my spin but I continued.
"Maybe we can get married back in my home town, Benn. It would be beautiful there this time of year." Shank's grip on my hip tightened possessively but we didn't stop.
"The honey moon can be somewhere in the east blue." I tried not to laugh so I placed a hand over my mouth to stop myself.
"Uh, guys, I think you guys need to stop now," Yasopp said with a shaky voice. I looked at Shank's and saw what scared Yasopp so badly. Before I could fully blink, Shanks took me from the crow's nest and dragged me back to my room. I saw the smirk on everyone's face as I fussed and struggled to stand up on my feet. When we were inside my room, Shanks closed the door and locked it before pinning me to the wall and kissing me hard. When he pulled away I was speechless.
"Don't ever tease me like that," he said roughly before kissing me again. I wanted to drown in that kiss but knew I couldn't. If Shanks knew about my problem he'd probably not want me. I pushed him away from me but kept my hands on his chest to keep him away.
"Stop, I need to tell you something." I paused and grabbed onto his shirt to keep my hands from shaking so much.
"You- you may not look at me the same afterwards, either. Maybe even kick me to the side but whatever." He was about the say something but I put my face in his chest to hid my tears.
"Shanks, when Harleen stabbed me, she..." I couldn't form the words at all. A lump formed in my throat, keeping the words at bay.
Shanks wrapped an arm around me and placed his hand on my head.
"I already know." I looked at Shanks with wide eyes and saw his serious face.
"You know?"
"Me, Yasopp and Benn overheard you talking to Nazami."
"So you know that... that I can't have children? You know and still want to be with me?"
"Of course I do. Kazumi in the short time I've known you I've fallen for you. Your beautiful, smart, and independent, not to mention that you can fight almost as good as me."
"Hey, I can kick your ass whenever you red bastard!"
"All that said, I can live without having a child. Sure its tragic but I won't love you any less." My world stopped when he said those words.
He...he loves me? I look up at the red haired pirate tears threatening to fall.
I smiled at him genuinely, feeling happiness swallow me whole as I hugged him.
"You Red Bastard," I said, my voice quivering, "why do you always know the right words to say?"
"Well, I am courting the admiral's daughter. I can't just say anyting now can I." I chuckled and held him tighter, not wanting to let go.
"Hey Shanks," I spoke after a moment of silence.
"I... umm," I grew nervous for some reason. I felt like a girl confessing to her crush in high school.
"Shanks I... I love you too." He chuckled and lifted my chin so I'd meet his eyes.
"Yeah, I know that." He kissed me again, only this one was more gentle and passionate. Shanks is the light that will always bright me from the darkness. For as long as I can, I'll stay by his side, unwavering and ground standing.

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