II- Salem Witch Trails

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"His journal?" Italy asked, "Why would he need one?"

"He was waiting...He was waiting for the moment," Canada said quietly as his eyes skimmed more quickly along the paper. When he was done, he set down the book and covered his face with his hands.

You see, Canada knew about his journal. If he, or someone else read it allowed then anyone who heard will go into a 'duo-dimenstion' which means that they would be sucked into a dimenstion where they would be at the point in history where the page takes place, but its not time traveling. You can communicate with people and engage but it won't do a thing to actual history. The only way out is finishing the book. Native America gave this to America somehow knowing that he would need this, and he does.

While Canada had his head in his hands, England swiped the journal.

"No-!" Canada started, but was immedietly ignored.

"Wait, should we be reading this?" France asked. England rolled his eyes,

"There was a reason he gave this to us," England said, "Besides, I feel like we should read this."

Canda swallowed and prepared himself as England began reading,

"June 13th, 1692.

Sorry mom, I forgot I had this Journal. When I got this, I couldn't read and write until now.. I also now have the time to write in here...or more of a reason to.

Lately, there has been hysteria spreading through Massachusetts like wildfire. Ever since Bishop claimed to be a witch, women are feared and I worry for their rights. Everyone is thinking that they are doing the right thing, and I'm really starting to get a headache from all this. Over a hundred people are in jails just waiting to be hung.

Is this normal, to have headache like this? I've been to the healer four times and she said there was nothing wrong. Lord, bless me, this is so hard."

England finished and began to feel dizzy and drowsy. Everyone else in the room too. Canada shut his eyes and didn't fight. Other countries though, fought and tried to stay awake, but eventually everyone fainted as their spirtiual selves went into the duo-dimenstion.

Canada lifted his head off the forest floor. He blinked awake as he looked around. Other countries are trying to get up and wake while others were already awake, alert and trying to get others awake. Canada pushed himself off the ground and brushed himself off. Germany grouped everyone together and they walked through some thickets into a clearing by the village. Canda jogged up to England.

"W-wait, we should find America," Canada said. He didn't get a response. Perhaps he was too quiet. He tugged on England's sleeve. He turned and faced Canada. Canada cleared his throat and tried again,

"We should find America- but without everyone else, they would stick out too much." England thought for a moment, then nodded.

"You're right. I'll go tell Germany to keep everyone here. Meanwhile, try to make yourself look like you're from this time period," England said and went to go tell Germany to hold everyone off. Canada struggled on what to do, but made his coat look like a long shirt, pulled his socks to as far as they went, (which wasn't very far, only just pass his ankles,) and rolled the ends of his jeans and coat sleeves. God, he felt stupid.

"Alright. Ready, lad? Let's go," England said and walked straight towards the village. Canada scrambled to catch up,

"Why didn't you do anything to your clothes?" Canada asked.

"I couldnt think of anything so I thought that we could trade for something down in the village."

When they walked into the village, the place was an utter ghost town. Not a person in sight, but worn trails in the dirt road said that people do- or did live here. England studied the trail and decided that everyone went north.

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