Chapter 20

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I'm laying in the hospital bed next to jess just staring at her sleep so peacefully. We've been here for three days and this is the first night she actually slept the whole night. She getting released today but Jayce had to stay obviously. Sadly he's not making any progress. It hurt me so bad that jess is going through this. The sun was just about up. So I got up to get jess things all together so whenever she got discharged everything would be all together. A couple of hours when by and they brought her breakfast. I practically had to feed jess like a child because she didn't have a appetite. She awoken and stretched a little bit while looking for me. We made eye contact and she smiled at me. "Good morning baby." She moved the covers off of her so she could go to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and came to sit on my lap. "You better eat something baby girl I reminded her."I'm not hungry Jay" she moaned back, I reached on her tray to grab a banana and made her eat half, and I ate the other half.

The doctor came I'm pushing a potable crib with jayce in there we both shot up from our seat. "Is he okay? Why are you bringing him in here." Jess asked. "Ms.Rents you're baby boy stopped breathing twice we resuscitated him twice already, he isn't making any progress his lungs are giving out within the next two hours we will give you alone time to say your goodbyes to him." Jess broke down after the doctor said "goodbyes." I hugged her very tight I felt her legs giving out we we're soon on the floor, I had to remind her that as of right now our baby boy is still with us. I picked her up and sat her on the couch that was in the room then grabbed him from the crib. I hugged him and cried while walking around in the room talking to him, I knew he couldn't understand me but this might be the only conversation I'll get to have with my first born. I turned around as I see jess on the phone balling telling her dad the news she asked him if he could relate the message to Tia and Carl. I continued to pace back and forth with my prince talking to him. He was breathing so slow it scared me. He's trying to fight, but he can't. As I turned around I seen a flash go off jess was taking pictures smiling still with tears in her eyes. I went and sat next to her as she took pictures of him. "Mommas boy" she cooed to him while grabbing his little fingers. She took him from me and handed me her phone to take pictures of the both of them. She was kissing all over him. He was dressed in a plain white onesie on barley fitting him I turned the camera on record and prompt it up upon the hospital stand and recorded us the whole time until Mister,Carl&T arrived. Jess kissed on our prince some more while he's barley got his eyes opened. She passed him to Tia, I got up and let her sit down "TT's baby" Tia cooed while brushing her nose against his. I took a picture of the two of them. The machine he was hooked up to started to beep when Carl was holding him. I ran and got a doctor by the time we we're back inside the room he had already taken his last breath with his uncle holding him. The doctor unhooked him from the cords and gave him back to Carl while carl handed him off to mister. After a while jess had him and didn't want to give him back to the doctors. She screamed loudly and cried, mister held her trying to calm her down. But it continued for about 20 minutes. They placed a blue flower on the door of Jessika's room. Many of the nurses passed through to give their condolences.
We waited for someone to come in and talk about our burial options. Jess told me she wanted him cremated. She wanted his ashes around her neck in a locket. The rest she wants to spread them in our garden to start a memorial plant for him. She didn't want to talk so mister and I went outside the room to speak with them. They informed us that the hospital will provide a memorial service for him in there chapel. We had everything all situated jess was whining "can I go home now, I just want to go home" she cried while Tia held her.

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Jess POV

I've been gone from work for about 8 weeks now, I'm finally going back today they told me I could take of another two or three weeks off but it'll just make me a lot more depressed jay had to go back to work a week ago so I've been doing a lot to keep my head clear. I've gotten all my tears out at the memorial service. I have jayce remains around my neck so does jay. I walked in the dentist office, and was greeted by the receptionist. "Hey Jessika Dr.Kohl wants to speak with you before you call your first patient back." Okay thanks Jackie I replied. I walked back to Dr.Kohls office and knocked at the door, it's Jessika. "Oh come him sweetheart" I walked in and he told me to sit down "look Jessika you're a very important employee of mines, and if you and your fiancé needs anything don't hesitate to ask me." He handed me a box that looked as if a bracelet or maybe even a necklace could be in there. I opened it and it was an engraved bracelet that had jayces name, born and death date. Thank you so much Dr.Kohl I really appreciate this.

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I decided to cooked dinner for Jayceon and I because he had parent teacher conferences. I seasoned my boneless chicken and placed it in the oven to bake. I got out two medium sized pots one to place the asparagus in and the other to place the rice with chicken flavor. I walked away from the kitchen to grabbed my quilt from the closet and sat on the reclining chair. I turned to the movie GODS NOT DEAD. I've never seen this movie but I read a book similar to it. I was so into it I didn't realize Jay walked in he kicked his shoes off by the front door and came and sat on me and kissed me, "hey baby girl" I kissed him back, hey get off of me fatty. He kissed his teeth and got up I paused the movie so I wouldn't miss any parts of it. "Okay so what are you watching and what's for dinner" he asked me. It's called gods not dead I just started it, finish it with me. "Okay love" he said. Boneless baked chicken,asparagus,& flavored rice is on the menu for tonight. Jay licked his lips as I told him what we were eating."sounds good mommas." I got up from the small reclining chair and went to couch with jay to lay on him, the timer soon went off for the chicken so I got up and took it out the oven, and cut the asparagus off, the rice needs another 5 or 6 minutes. So by the time I finished making everything else on jays plate the rice was ready so I put a large amount on his plate, went to the fridge and grabbed a Lipton peach tea. I took jay his plate while he was so into the movie, "so baby this man gone fail the students if they believe in God? That's messed up." I laughed "if that's what you heard them say then yes babe I've never seen this movie neither." I brought both of the eating stands out.
I fixed my plate and sat next to jay and started to smack all in his ears.

We finished our dinner and he took our plates to the kitchen and put away the stands, and laid on the couch while I snuggled up to him "so glad today's Friday" Jay sighed moments later I was out like a light.

Baby's full name: Jayce Carlton Rents

When Someone Knocks जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें