The Risen

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Time:5:55 am
Location: Secret base

Bambuh held on his hand a vial of J - energy that he managed to get from Johnny when he and DJ Pixel defeated the knight that came from Ruin. The energy was beyond science as it contained ne protons, electrons, or neutrons. It reacted only with Ruin energy as far as Bambuh knew.
J - energy was not solid, liquid, or gas as it would often change between the three for no reason. Bambuh did not know why it did that as when the energy came from Johnny it was always in gas form and would always disappear without a trace.
J - energy broke many laws as it can be created and destroyed, however in destroying something so pure would create a rift in reality. It was those same rifts that created Ruin. Special Johnny 4 destroyed the J - energy and it was from those rifts that the energy created that created Ruin.

The vial began to shake.

Something was wrong! Bambuh turned to titanium and watched as the greenish bluish energy turned into black red and then fell to the floor where it shattered.
On the floor was the now liquid energy which began to pulse and form into a solid. Bambuh watched as the corrupted J - energy turned began to morph into a Freek-like form.
Standing in front of him was a Freek that looked a lot like Johnny, except his hair was white and his eyes were red. The being had no sideburns and was dressed in all black. When the being saw Bambuh he smiled.
"Hello Bambuh, my name is DJ. Where is Johnny?"

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