A fish swimming against the stream

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Author note

Hi guys!!

So I made up my mind to enter a contest.

I thought beauty is a really interesting topic because defining beauty is really tricky.

And then after finishing the story I realized only entries of UK residents are allowed. (Which I am not)

So Im posting it anyway!!!!

I know it is quite short but I did my best!

lots of love

Lizzie XOXO

Time goes by

hours to days

days to months

and months to years

There are things that change as time goes by, but some things do not.

The life of the people go by, every day the same. Daily people go out of their homes trying to get to their destination as fast as they can , to avoid contact , and to be finished as fast as possible to go home so they do not have to be bothered by socializing and end up being entertained by lifeless devises.

Every color has been deleted from of this world.

People dressed in one monotone color to avoid detection and attention.

people having the same hair color or style

Even their faces are the same, generated to be the most aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, transferred onto humans by the help of the machinery people invented.

The civilization did not mind the monotone life, why should they?

It was easier in so many ways.

Everybody wanted to be the most perfect, everybody wanted to be the ideal beauty.

But beauty cannot be defined.

In this world full of identical beings and monotone living,

What would happen if one person was different?

What would happen if a person could not be described as a picture perfect ?

It was something so unknown to the people in that time.

And suddenly In the sea of grey and white a spec of color could be recognized miles away.

A young woman, was making her way through the streets with a lazy smile on her face.

A thing that was unusual.

She wore a Yellow summer dress, a blue bag around her shoulder , with brown sandals on her feet .

Something people had not seen.

Her face was not considered as aesthetically pleasing nor her body as perfect as its should be.

She had ice blue eyes, her skin white as snow which made her seem sickly. The dark brown hair contrasted with her fair features and her body was quite lanky and awkward.

But her aura and stride was full of confidence and the light spring in her step made it seem she no worries in her own little world. A very rare sight indeed

She was like the first sun ray after a long harsh winter.

The usually coordinated lifestyle of the people seemed to be overthrown with just one glance at her.

People started to notice the unusual figure amongst the crowd and stared at her without shame. A boundary that was overstepped in a matter seconds.

A relationship was not something of importance in that time. They had their friends replaced through machinery.

And even though she was far from perfect, the unusual sight of the mysterious woman made the people doubt the beauty they thought was beautiful.

She was beautiful in her own way, not because of her face structure nor clothing, but because she was different.

She was confident, and happy.

It seemed she did not see the intense and admirable stares she got from the people she passed by.

She continued to walk through the streets making her way towards her destination, and before people knew it she was out of their sight.

It was as if the time started ticking again and the confused and dazed by-passers continued to head towards their objective.

And although everything seemed normal again, the young woman would not be forgotten.

Beauty cannot be defined in one way or another.

It is not what you wear, or how you look

It is the emotion that is set free.

The girl in the yellow dressNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ