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Whatever the hell this is supposed to be, I don't really have a name for it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Vampire Diaries, if I did, Katherine would have everything she could have ever wished for. Except maybe Stefan, I don't really like Stefan.



Cold, and alone. lost lost lost  and drowning in this world that was new and different and wrong.

And her heart is hurting and empty and screaming because they were gone gone gone it's your fault-





Closing her eyes, she breathes. Feeling the arms wrapped tightly around her, she chokes on a sob.

'Not my fault.' She reassures herself, 'I didn't ask for this. There was nothing I could've done.' Not when she didn't even know how it had happened in the first place.

The person holding her hugs her tighter, and she allows herself to look at her Savior's face.

Warm brown eyes stare back at her.

Burying her face in the other girls neck, she breathes in her scent.

It is new and fresh and she can hear her singing here-and-now and hers and it's the most beautiful sound she's ever heard because she knows it's a promise.

But she can't just accept this without giving a part of her in return, so she steps back and holds the girl's hand in thank you thank you thank you and you hold a piece of my heart, please don't make me regret this and she sees her Savior flinch because she's never actually listened before, with heart-and-mind-and-soul and it must come as a shock. 

So she does her best to explain it just using words, but it's hard to describe something that is mostly emotion in it's rawest form, and she slips into feeling. She is delighted when her Savior replies in kind, perhaps unconsciously, and there are reasons she sometimes can't find the words, because how could they ever be able to convey understanding like that? 

Words are oftentimes empty, what she gets from this is certainty.

After, they have reached an understanding. She is very much calmer now, even though she is still plagued with nervousness from new and different and not-home.

She has a Savior now, to pull her out if she get's lost again, and to chase the cold away. 


Not really sure where I'm going with this, I have a vague idea, but the universe building is going to be hard.

There is a reason the word savior is capitalized, and it will be explained later. Probably.

This story is going to be weird, I'm gonna tell you upfront, there will be little to no backstory until we get further into the story. It's probably gonna take a while. I've been writing this during english class.

It makes sense in my head, it probably won't make sense to you. If you want to, you can keep on reading.

This story will be very much AU, and very much Kelena (we'll get there eventually). If you are against LGBTQ+, you have been warned, I'd advise you to stop reading now.

I don't know when I'll update again, it'll probably take a while. 

DifficultOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora