Chapter 1: Bentley's P.O.V

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   " I heard that" Yelled the school's drama queen, Juliet Ramirez.
   "You were supposed to!" I yelled back, turning away and walking toward my next class, my friends follow shortly behind me, laughing.
   When we arrive at our classroom we all went and took our seats in the back of the room while the teacher, Mrs. Henderson, took roll. I looked up at the board to start my work when I noticed the most gorgeous girl in the entire world sitting up front all by herself. Her name is Naomi Brooks and I have had a gigantic crush on her ever since the 5th grade.
   We met because our mom's had jobs together so, they were always together, making us be together. I've tried dating other girls like Juliet or just random girls to get my mind off of Naomi but, I just can't.  I just can't stop liking her, even though everybody else hates her, especially Juliet. I simply don't know how they can hate such a perfect girl like her. She's too perfect and I know it sounds creepy but I just can't help it! She is so nice to everybody and in turn they all treat her like crap. And I just love the way she conrols everything well and she her small smile just lights up the entire world.
   Once class was over everybody made their way to the lunchroom. When I got there I noticed that Naomi was sitting all by herself just eating an apple that she had cut into small bite size pieces. I decided to be good and I went and sat down next to her. Quite frankly, I want to spend as much time with her as possible, even if it means just sitting with her at lunch.
   As soon as I sit down she looks over at me, her electric blue eyes widened in shock.
   "W-why are you sitting here?" she questioned, stuttering. I thought it was adorable when she did that.
   I just smiled and told her "Your my best friend, why wouldn't I sit next to you?"
   A few minutes later, Juliet decided she was going to be stupid and come over and try to sit next to me. I quickly told her to leave and she walked away, furious that I chose Naomi over her. I looked over at Naomi and she has a small smile spread widely across her gorgeous face.
   We continued to eat lunch, only talking a few times while people around the lunchroom gave us dirty glares. We didn't care though. Even though we didn't talk much it was still loads of fun just to be near her.
   The rest of the day went by quickly and soon enough I was getting my equipment out of my black 1995 Ford F-250 and heading over to football practice.
   After two and a half long hours of practicing and conditioning our coach finally allowed us to leave. As soon as I got home I was greeted by my younger twin sister Krista. My twin sister who just happens to be best friends with Juliet. It's just great. Note the sarcasm.
   Krista and I talked for like ten minutes about our days then we procceeded to go our own ways, getting ready for bed.

Hey guys, this is my newest story. It started out as a school project that we had to do but I felt like I needed to upload something into here, I hope you like it...and don't forget to comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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