•Chapter 31•

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•Chapter 31•

I awoke to small whispers outside my door. I sat up straight, my back slowly colliding with the dulled green wall.

I walked over to the door, to find no one there. Must be the voices in my head again. I walked over toward the desk. The metal pocket knife was on the ground, spinning in constant circles. I took the object into my hands, flipping it between my fingers.

He visited last night. What makes him think that I would forgive for doing this to me? I wouldn't ever forget about this. That is, unless, I really do become insane, and not just here for mental help. Too much has happened for me to process it all. I need time to think. Before I know it, I'll be back at home with Nathan.

Tears brimmed around in my eyes at the thought of Nathan. I missed him so much, yet I didn't want any visitors.

"Ms. Hastings? You have a visitor." The receptionist, Katherine, called.

"I don't want any visitors, Kathy." I replied.

"Alright. I'll let him know." She was about to leave before I stopped her.

"Wait, him?" I asked. I got up from my chair.

"Yes. He said his name was Nathan." She replied. "Do you know him?"

"Yes, he's a really good friend of mine." I ushered.

"Would you like to see him?" She asked.

"Yes." I immediately replied.

She pulled a changed of clothes from the cart that she carried around in the hallways. "Put these on and I'll come back to get you in five minutes." She closed the door behind her. The cart squeaked when she moved more along the corridor.

I stripped off the gown, putting on the pair of sweats and black t-shirt that was given to me. The t-shirt immediately reminded me of the monster that visited me last night.

I pushed the girl that wanted to come out from the corner of my mind, pointing out something that I held deep inside for the curly haired boy.

A pair of tan slippers lay on the light blue sheets of the, so called bed. I slipped on the slippers, wiggling my toes trying to contain the warmth.

Katherine returned in the matter of five minutes that she promised. "Let's go, Ms. Hastings." She nudged her head out toward the dark corridor.

We arrived in a matter of several minutes. My heart dropped when I saw Nathan. His eyes were bloodshot, they were complimented by sunken cheeks. I didn't hesitate to run up to him and bring him into my embrace.

"I missed you so much." I breathed.

"Why would you run off like that, Sar-- Devin?" How did he know my fake name?

"I need sometime to think. I've slowly been losing my mind, I want to fix it before it actually comes true." I admitted. "The Institution agreed to take me in." I finished off my small explanation.

I turned to Katherine who was sitting at the front desk. "Katherine? Can we go into one of the gaming rooms?" I asked.

"Sure, sweetheart." She got up from her torn seat. She took the keys from her pocket, unlocking one of the gaming rooms.

In the gaming rooms, visitors and patients could talk, play cards, and other board games. Even just the patients could come here alone if granted the permission.

"Thank you, Katherine." I smiled at her when she held the door open for us.

"Jacob will be in there soon to watch over you." She said before closing the door, locking it behind her.

Several other patients were in the room. One was sitting in front of a broken tv, slowly rocking in his chair. Another was staring out the side window, whispering little nothings to herself. I felt bad for the others that were forced here. I fear for myself that I'll end up that way someday.

I grabbed Nathan's hand, rushing him to one of the round tables in the back. "So, Devin Hastings, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Do the others know where I am?" I asked, playing with my fingers, twisting and intertwining them in swift motions.

"Yes. Bethany is trying to get a hold of your parents, but, they fled to England for a few weeks. They needed to get a little more information on the," he whispered the last part, "vampires."

I slowly nodded my head. "He visited me last night." I mumbled.

"He what?!" He yelled a little too loudly. He stood up, his fists were clenched into tight balls.

"Calm down." I tried to sit him back down.

I jumped back when the patient by the television started to yell. "I need to get out! Let me out of here!" He stood up from his chair. One of the guards took him back to his room immediately. His screams were heard until a loud bang filled the corridor.

"Don't be so loud. The people here are, you know, insane." I snapped.

"Sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay, just try to control your temper." I sat him back down in his chair.

He nodded quickly, keeping his gaze on the white table. The door to the gaming room opened. I looked toward the sound and saw Jacob enter the room.

"Ms. Hastings, I see you have a visitor." He smiled at me and looked over to Nathan.

"I'm Nathan." Nathan stood up from his chair, holding out his hand.

Jacob took his hand, giving it a firm shake. "Are you her brother?"

"No, I'm a really good friend of hers." He answered truthfully.

"Oh, that's good that she has someone that cares for her." Jacob smiled before sitting down at the couch, facing the broken television that the patient was once watching before he was taken back to his room.


Nathan and I talked for hours on end. I never wanted to stop, but eventually we would have to.

"Excuse me, Nathan isn't it? Visiting hours are over." Katherine told the blue eyed boy.

"Okay." He stood up as I did. He pulled me into a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." He whispered.

"Yeah." I replied, smiling.

He released me. "Bye, Devin." He smiled before walking away.

"Bye.." I said sadly.

"I know that you didn't want him to leave, Devin." Katherine hooked her hand around my arm, pulling me back to my cell before I missed dinner.

•Thanks for reading!•

•follow me on IG: @hidingwithstyles•


Taken // H.SOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora