Intro to Charecters

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Name: Melody
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1
Hair length: To the knees
Hair color:Brown
Favorite Outfit: Red crop top with ripped black jeans and black heavy combat boots.
Talents: Figure Staking, and Music(Piano, Violin, Vocals, pretty much everything music related)
Name: Finn
Gender: Male
Age 14-15
Height: 6'5
Hair length: To the shoulders
Hair color: Snow White/blonde
Favorite outfit: White t-shirt w/ plain jeans.
Talents: Gaming, math, science, technology, can sing.
Name: Evan
Gender: Male
Age: 14-15
Height: 6'3
Hair length: short
Hair color: Brown
Favorite Outfit: Black Shirt with a white and green vest w/ Blue jeans
Talents: Football, Hockey, Soccer.
Name: Paige
Gender: Female
Age: 14-15
Height: 5'7
Hair length: Just above the shoulders.
Hair Color: Bright Red
Favorite outfit: Anything to get a guy to fall for her.
Talent: Playing boys, drama, bullying, starting fake rumors.
Name: Jack
Gender: Male
Age: 14-15
Hair Length: Short/Medium length.
Hair color: dirty blonde.
Favorite outfit: A jersey and some jeans.
Talent: Soccer, Hockey, Easy to talk too.

Thank you guys for reading.
Hope you have a picture on what these characters look like and acted like.
See you next chapter.

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