I'm Divergent?

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Talaluna's POV:
I didn't pay attention to the speech that was give. Tris had to nudge me when we were leaving to go to the waiting room to wait for our names to be called. I had to go last since I didn't have a last name. When I went in the room for my test to be taken I saw that Tori would be giving me my test. I jumped on her back since it was turned to me which scared the living day lights out of her. When she turned to see it was me she shook her head saying "I should have known" before hugging me. "Now sit down" she told me when she let go. I sat down like she asked me and took the glass she handed me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Bottoms up" she gave a small smile as I just drank it. I looked around after and noticed that Tori and all the equipment she had was gone. Standing up and walking towards the mirror then looking around to see mirrors all around the room. Staring at the me in front of me, her head tilted to the right but I didn't move my head.
"Chose. Now before it's too late." She told me motioning to two tables behind me. One with a knife and the other with a piece of meat.
"Why?" I asked.
"Chose." Was all she said.
"No just tell me." I started getting irritated but a loud bark startled me into looking in that direction to see a large angry dog. Looking back over to the plates the knife and meat were gone. I started to growl back at the dog but remembered that this wasn't real. I closed my eyes and when I opened them there was no longer a big angry dog but a small whimpering puppy. I started to pet it which made it pretty happy.
"Puppy" I heard a young voice say and looked over to see a little girl Beatrice. Looking back at the puppy it went back to being a big angry dog and it charged at young tris. Seeing a beam overhead I grabbed onto it swinging myself over the dog and in front of young tris, tackling the dog away from her. I woke up back in the room with Tori.
"Get up and go out the back door before someone comes." She said frantically as she pulled me out of the chair.
"Wait, what was my result?" I asked confused.
"Come on." She urged.
"Tori what happened?" I pulled my arm from her grasp.
"Your going to tell your friends that the serum made you sick and that we sent you home ok?" She tried to pull me out the door again but I ripped my arm away again.
"Tori" I said sternly and she sighed.
"Abnegation... And erudite, and amity, and candor and dauntless. Your results were inconclusive." She told me.
"Inconclusive my ass Tor. That doesn't happen." I was about to continue but Tori started first
"yes it can happen, it's just extremely rare. They call it divergent. You can't tell anyone about this. That girl that you hang out with, what's her name?"
"Beatrice, an abnegation."
"Yes her. She may be the only one you can tell-" I cut her off.
"She's divergent too isn't she?"
"Yes. But to anyone else's knowledge you got abnegation. That's what I'm manually entering."
"So what do I chose at the ceremony?"
"Chose anything you want. Trust your instinct, like a wolf would do, like you and your pack would do." She closed the door and left me to myself. When I got back tris was the only one home and she was cutting up some vegetables.
"Hey, so what was your results?" I asked even though I knew she was a divergent like me.
"Abnegation" she lied.
"Oh really?"
"Bull shit"
"Bull shit, I know what you are."
"And what am I?" She challenged.
"Divergent." I whispered in her ear. She dropped the knife and spun around to face me.
"It's ok, I am too." All the panic washed from her face.
"What were yours?" She asked.
"All five. What about you?" She stared at me in shock.
"Abnegation, erudite and dauntless. I always knew you'd fit in anywhere but all five, wow."
"Yeah, that must be really dangerous from what Tori said and how she acted."
"So that's how you know I'm a divergent. I had a dauntless girl named Tori too."
"Hey where were you two?" Caleb asked as he walked through the door.
"We got sick. So they sent us home." Tris answered for the both of us.
"Both of you?"
"Yeah the serum didn't agree to well with our stomachs." I answered this time.
"Do you finish your tests?" Tris hummed a yeah.
"What were your results?"
"What was yours?" Me and tris said in union jokingly.
"And you girls didn't think to tell anyone?" Tris' dad, Andrew asked.
"We were sick." Tris answered as we ate our dinner. I am so sick of nothing but vegetables all the time. It's been at least three weeks since I went hunting for some real meat, I need to go soon.
"Beatrice, Talaluna, I don't think you understand the level of scrutiny were they are doing everything they can to discredit us right now. "
"Wait, who is?" Tris asks.
"Erudite. They believe that they should be the governing factions not us"
"So you have to be careful right now ok?"
"Even Marcus is under attack?"
"What for?" I ask.
"It's an old accusation that he mistreated his son and that's why the boy defected."
"Well is it true?" I asked again.
"No of coarse not. Children defect for all kinds of reasons." After washing the dishes and saying that we love each other for maybe the last night, tris and Caleb went to bed as I left and went up to the roof where I had a bag of cloths, essentials, a few sketch pads with pencils and the weapons left behind by my parents when I was left in the woods as a baby along with a good bye letter and a picture of me, my mom and dad. I would be taking that with me tomorrow to the ceremony. I lay down using my bag as a pillow I fall asleep.

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