The One Shot

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A big fat day full of being upset, angry, and also flaunting a bit of charade of having gone somewhere far to make her forgetful husband remember that it was their third wedding anniversary. Well, who said life was ever going to be simple for Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, when she signed up for a marital life with the Arnav Singh Raizada?

Not that life was ever easy for her, from childhood till now, where she did have to work for every bit of happiness that existed today in her life, deal with the shortcomings that life had put through, and also face the wrath of a once upon a time monster who she proudly and happily called her husband as on today.

Yes, the monstrous side had taken a backseat in ASR's life, but that didn't mean it was fully dormant.

He would still have his temper on his sleeves when he didn't have his way and shout at poor victims like the OP brothers or his ever so loyal manager Aman Mathur. But by and large, his rationale had definitely gotten a boost post his proper and official marriage with his crazy wife, and even if his short temper didn't completely take a backseat, his manhandling and blatant scolds on Khushi without thinking definitely did.

It was one of a kind act that KKGSR had to put throughout the whole day to pretend like she was gone so that at least for once her all time busy husband could be a tad bit guilty about forgetting their marriage anniversary three times in a row ever since they got betrothed. 

Although she was cent percent angry at him for all the right reasons of forgetting the most important day in their lives, she also felt fluttered when she witnessed how he went beyond perimeters in making things right, be it when he got endless gifts for her or made thandai for her with HP since she didn't take alcohol. And who could forget, how he confessed about each and every single moment where she had affected him in the past making him eventually fall for her.

She recalled how Arnav had capitulated completely, apologizing time and again thinking she might actually depart for Lucknow and stay angry with him for god knows how long.

A faint smile took over her face as she recalled every event that followed soon after, him running to her, taking her into a hug when she finally made him answer two of the riddles she asked from their past together, about the firefly and that beautiful night when he had confessed his love for her for the very first time in their terrace.

Her mind quickly jumped to the later events as she traced the exquisite necklace sitting on her neck that her husband had merrily wrapped on her after they shared that intimate dance sometime back.

But Khushi being Khushi instantly pouted, a bit irked going back through another set of events from the day, when Akash had come to visit Arnav to wish him on the anniversary.

While she had a fun time spying on her flawless husband, keeping note of every ounce of appreciation and criticism that he made on her, two from the lot really made her flare her nose in annoyance.

First, when he said how can someone in their right mind not know if their face is clad with besan all over, and second, when he almost had his eyeballs pop out of their sockets when he enunciated that how could Khushi want to talk about kids when she was herself a kid, right after Akash had intimated him on the topic.

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