7- Day 1

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I woke up and immediately realized Justin wasn't there. I went downstairs wondering if he woke up early. I spotted a heart shaped note on the counter.

"Sorry couldn't be here, had to be in the studio. Will be back before dinner though, dress nice, I have a surprise for you."

I don't know why but this made me really sad. This was supposed to be our first day together.

"This surprise better be good..." I muttered, walking upstairs to brush my teeth.

My phone buzzed reminding me that Jada and I had to meet with Tristan Zanotti the famous designer who wanted to partner with us for the grand opening of our new store Royale.  


"Thank you so much Mr. Zanotti!" I said while standing up to shake his hand.

"Its an honor," Jada added.

"Please girl, call me Tristan!" He exclaimed.

We all laughed then bid our goodbyes and left.

Immediately after arriving home I got a text from Justin

Justin💙👅: Were something pretty i'll send some one to pick you up

Asia: ?? Okay... hmm 

I went upstairs and changed into something nice (PHOTO ABOVE^)

 And walked outside to see a white limo parked and a tall, bald man opening the door for me. 

"Miss Jackson," He said in a deep voice.

"Thank you! Mr..." I didn't know his name

"James," he answered

"Thank you James," I corrected my self

He smiled closing the door and making his way to the driver side.

Before he started driving the opened the partition and handed be a red rose

"From Mr. Bieber," He said

Oh thanks I said grabbing it, blushing, though Just wasn't even in the car. He chuckled and started driving.

We finally reached our destination and it turns out we were at the beach, James opened my door and I took off my heels to step into the sand looking up to see a perfect dinner set up for Justin and I. There were rose petals and tiny candles leading up to the table and a man in a tuxedo holding a tray. The table was near the water and had a seat on both sides for each of us. I looked to the side to see Justin standing right by the table looking at me.


I had planned this all day and was making sure it was perfect. I hope she likes it. I see her step out of the car and she looks so.....perfect. She always does. I can't help but feel so lucky. Just by looking at her you could tell she was shocked, taking in every detail as if it was a dream.

She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pecked my lips three times, the last time a little longer that the previous two times, and whispered,

"I love it"

"I'm glad you do, lets eat"

We sat down and she looked at the menu having a hard time deciding what to eat. She looked so cute biting her lip.  

"Stop staring at me knucklehead," she said, out of no where, catching me off guard

"I- what. No i'm not!" Wow. Way to play it cool Bieber I thought, mentally rolling my eyes at myself.

"Yeah, yeah," she laughed picking my had up and holding it across the table.

"Good evening, My name is Tomas  and i'll be your server tonight, are you guys ready to order?"

She looked at me with wide eyes 

"You have a BUTLER?!?!"

I laughed at her silliness.


We ordered and ate, i was super nervous but i'm just glad she liked it.

After dinner we took a walk along the shore, holding hands and talked. 

And as soon as we entered the limo Asia yawned, obviously tired.

She laid on my chest

"Thanks... for tonight. I really enjoyed it." she said.

"Anything for you," I said 

She laughed and soon fell asleep.


We got home and Asia was asleep so I picked her up and carried her bridal style to the house.

"Thanks James see you later," I whispered.

He nodded

"No problem, hey J-"


"Take care of her... she's special."

I smiled nodding "I will," 


I laid Asia in bed and tucked her in. I kissed her forehead,

"Goodnight Asia" 


Thanks for reading my views have jumped a little higher so I've been trying to write more chapters. Don't know what to write next comment or message me what u think.


The Right Wrong number / Jylie Fanfic --  DISCONTINUEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora