Chapter 22

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Logan POV
I feel nothing. I feel empty inside. Without Ace here I don't know what I am supposed to do with myself. My life has no purpose. It had been 2 days without her. I don't know how I ever lived before I met her. Then I remember i was an empty shell when I met her and she made me whole. Complete. She made me, well me. I have been wandering the woods screaming her name. Finn and Colin finally dragged me back to camp where I cried for hours and hours. I don't know what I am going to do if I lose her. If I lose my child.
I hear running coming up behind me. I immediately turn around to see Finn running towards me. "Mate, the authorities found a cabin in the woods that has been abandoned  for years until  someone saw two people going in there a few weeks ago, by haven't seen anyone since then." "But if they haven't seen anyone in a few days then wouldn't it mean that Rory isn't there. She has only been missing for two days." Finn looks at me with concern on his face. "Mate what day do you Think it is?" "February second," "Logan, man, it is the 16th of February. She has been gone for two weeks." I look at Finn with complete confusion on my face. Does Ace really have this much affect on me that I lose track of time? That I can't even function? If this is how my life is with out her for two weeks then I don't even want  to know what my life is without her for the rest of my life.
     This is bad. This is really bad. I have not felt anything since she left, and she hasn't come back. I don't know what to do. My life is empty and nothing without her and that is why I am determined to find her. "Finn tell the police to search the house and also tell them I am coming with them, but first I have to do something." Finn nods as I turn around to walk away, I walk into my tent and retrieve the letters I have written to Rory but never sent. There are 365 of them, I wrote one to her for everyday starting the day after she said no to my proposal. I never sent them, but if she is in that house she deserves to have them and I am going to give them to her. 

Rory POV

I sit in darkness. I have been chained to this wall for two weeks now and I am losing hope that I will ever leave. I have figured out that the girl who comes in her is Odette, but I can't figure out who the guy is. They let me walk around for ten minutes each day no more no less. I get food once a day and they don't hurt me. They just watch me. I have a very big fear of losing the baby. All I get to do it sit. Sit in a metal room and wonder. Wonder why me. Wonder why Logan hasn't come yet. Wonder where I went wrong. Suddenly I hear a noise I am not used to. I hear multiple peoples footsteps. Usually only one person is hear with me. I also hear yelling. What is going on? I scoot closer to the vent in my room and hear voices that I almost recognize. I think I hear Finn, and then Colin, and lastly Robert. What are they doing here? I also hear voices I don't recognize. 

    I don't know what to do so when I hear the click of the metal door I pretend to be asleep. When the door finally opens, I hear several gasps from whoever walked into the room with me. Someone comes over to and I still don't open my eyes, even when they come over and just hover over me. I can feel their eyes burning into me and they look me over. I don't want to open my for fear that it is not Logan, but the mystery man come to take me to a different location. Eventually  whoever was over me walks away to the other people in the room. I can hear their whispers, but not what they are saying. Finally, someone comes over to me and puts their hand on my arm. They start to shake me and whisper my name, I am reluctant to open my yes, but when I do I am see the person I never thought I would see. 

Hey guys! Sorry it took me soooooooo long to update, but I have just been so busy with school and friends that I just have not had time! I am going to try and update again today. I might try updating twice a week rather than every two or three days, but we will see when I have time! Sorry again for the really late update!

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Love you guys! 


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