Wolfy's POV Chapter 2

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I woke with a jump, my defensive pyrokinesis acting up. I growled threateningly, as the sound of a door slamming open had startled me awake. Luckily, it was only Diane, who was standing at the door. She appeared to be breathing heavily, if robots could breathe. "What?" I snapped, lowering my hands so that the fire dispersed. My wolf ears pinned against my skull in frustration. She inhaled (I think?) and began to talk in very fast paced manner. I blinked, tilting my head, and interrupted with a "wait! Shut up for a second. Slow down. I cannot understand a lick of what you're saying." She sighed and restarted her rant, speaking in a normal manner. "There was a chip. I found it outside. It was a threat to us, Wolfy. It tried to erase my ID. We have to go to a specific address to get the ID back." I groaned. "I don't want to go anywhere." I replied in a very sharp tone. "This sounds stupid." I turned a couple circles on the mattress I slept on before curling into a small ball. The AI made a weird grumbling noise. "Well. You don't have a choice." She took the hood of my jacket and pulled me after her. "Ah! What? Let me go you stupid robot!" Diane rolled her eyes. "I prefer the term AI thank you very much." She replied, unfased by my rude remarks. She disposed of me on the couch, then stated plainly, "We have to wait for Rain to-" But the door opened, interrupting her sentence. "I'm home!" Our third roommate, Rain, said loudly. "Congratulations. You survived long enough to arrive home again. What do you want, applause?" I said in a sarcastic tone. The girl rolled her eyes. Diane filled her in quickly, then sent each of us to go back a small bag of necessities. I shoved multiple bags of potato chips into my backpack, grumbling annoyingly. "This is a waste of time. We're probably all gonna be killed. You can't just go to a random address and expect good things to happen, this isn't an otome game.." I threw a couple extra clothes and my electronic tablet inside. Next I grabbed a small pistol out of my sock drawer, clicking the safety on, and slipping it onto my belt. I took a few extra bullet packets, putting them into my bag, and finally a bottle of Dr Pepper. I then zipped up my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I grabbed a beanie off a desk and pulled it over my ears, pushing my door open to hear the other two talking softly to themselves. I sighed and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle, and then moved to the living room, sitting on the arm of the couch. "So are we leaving or not?" I interrupted them. Rain laughed a little and Diane nodded. "Yea. Let's go." She replied, taking her back and leading the way out the door. She was followed by Rain, and finally by me. My tail whisked back and forth as we walked down the stairs and along the sidewalk in single file towards the direction of this mysterious address.

---time skip---

After a little while we came upon a large building. "Hey.." I said softly. "This is NASA's branch off building, isn't it? Look." I pointed to many large space ships in the courtyards. "Sure looks like it." Rain said with a thoughtful nod. "Well.. this is the location the chip came from." Diane said, pausing and looking around. "Come on, let's go." The three of them walked forward into the building, only to find that it was crowded with loudly talking people. They had grouped up in random sizes, it was obvious who was friends with who. Diane took the initiative to walk up to the desk and talk with the person there. Meanwhile Rain sat on one of the seats in the room, and I stood in a corner where no one was behind me. I hated when people were behind me. I examined my surroundings closely, mentally planning multiple escape routes had escaping been necessary. Soon the AI came back, crossing her arms. "We're gonna have to wait. Apparently everyone in here has had the same problem with the IDs." Not much longer after she had spoken, a very tall, stern looking man walked in. He was wearing a lab suit and glasses, and he had an ID badge hanging around his neck. He looked like an authoritative figure. "Everyone, please calm down and be quiet. I understand you all have had problems with your IDs. Please follow me, single file, in a calm and orderly manner." He then turned and began to walk through a door, and everyone in the room scrambled to get into the line. Diane, Rain and I fell in line in the back. We all walked through a long corridor, passing through dimly lit rooms every once and a while, before entering a huge room. Lights were low, but many workers and scientists were visible, running around doing different things. I could feel my muscles tense as I gazed up at the giant ship in the middle of the room. That's what we were walking towards. Nervous murmuring could be heard from others in the line. I glanced back at the doorway, which was now closed and guarded. So much for that idea.. I thought to myself, walking forwards after the rest of the line. Suddenly everyone stopped. The scientist man we had been following spoke up loudly. "You all have been randomly chosen for space exploration." He said plainly. Many loud "why"s and "what about training"s and other complains rang out. The man held his hands up for silence. "You will be fine. Trust me." He said calmly, leading the line into the ship. I didn't trust him. People saying 'trust me' makes them suspicious. So now we were on a space ship. Heading off to outer space. We were expected to write daily logs on tablet computers offered to us. I rolled my eyes and took one, even though I had one already, and then we all got roomed with people. Luckily for me, I was put in a room with Rain and Diane. So I didn't have to be bothered by random strangers. I tried to pretend that we weren't in such a dangerous situation, playing games on the tablet and eating from one of the bags of potato chips I brought. Rain was watching Diane as the AI paced back and forth. "This is bad. This can't be happening." She muttered to herself. "Yea. Whatever. It's fine. Space is cool." I replied. The ship made a loud sputtering noise, and then we could hear the announcers counting down to blast off. Diane sat down immediately, as if the liftoff of the ship would've been easier to tolerate while sitting. I chuckled. This was gonna be fun.


A/N: I couldn't resist making my character an absolute jerk in this one. Haha ^^; sorry if the ending's rushed! I wanted to end the chapter before I went too far. I mean, counting this author's note, this chapter is 1,219 words long lol! Oops. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

~Admin Wolfy


Btw WolfSpirit4Ever was the astounding author of Chapter 2! Please go check out her account!


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