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    I groan and look over at my clock I had 3 minutes left until I needed to get up for school, but decided to get ready early.

I took a shower, brush my teeth and got my school uniform, at this school I could wear school uniforms for one day and regular clothes for the rest of the week.

After Putting my close on my alarm goes off and I push snooze.

"A/n, time to wake up!" My dad yells from down stairs, I yell back signaling him up.

I walked down stairs and see my dad trying work the toaster.

"Need help?" I ask giggling.

"Major help" he say as I walk over to the toaster and cut it on then started to machine as I set the timer,"Thanks" he says as he sits a plate of eggs and bacon and grits in front of me.

  ~At School~
"Ok here we are a/n" my dad say as we stop in front of a school that was big like a mansion and white as Cheery blossom petals flow everywhere,"Cool" me and my dad say at the same time.

"Ok baby girl I have to go but I'll see you later, do you want me to pick you up from school?" He ask as I shake my head for no, he then drives off leaving me alone.

"Ok now to find these classes" I say to myself as I feel a hard push from behind me as I fall face first on the ground.

"What the~" I say looking up at the person who push me as I push my face off the ground as I meet eyes with a cute boy around my age and hight.

"Sumimasen, watashi wa anata o mimasendeshita" the guy say as I look at him with a confused look,"Daijōbudesuka" he says as I'm still looking at him confused he must be speaking Japanese I think as I pull out my Japanese book of speaking and look for I can't understand you in Japan.

I walk to school like I always do when I'm mad or just want to think as I make my way their I see a girl looking lost or trying to figure out something I try to approach her, but trip over my feet and knock her down face first.

  "Sumimasen, watashi wa anata o mimasendeshita" I say as the girl with beautiful h/c hair and e/c eyes look at me," I then quickly as if she was ok as she look at me confused then pulled out an how to speak Japanese book, I thought why would she need that book but soon realized that she must be that new girl who is from America I then start speaking English and she seems happy when I do.

  "Oh, sorry you don't speak Japanese" I say as she smiles,"I'm sorry about making you fall I saw your need help and I wanted to but fled" I say with a little smile.

"It's ok, but you can still help me" she says as she hands me her schedule and I smile, her first class was with me, but no others were, I then tell her that hey first class is with me and I grab her hand and run off.


"Ok it seems your first period is with me, so we should be going" he say as he grabs my hand and we quickly walk to English.

When we get there the bell ring as we take our seats the boy sat in beside me as I sat beside a window.

"Kon'nichiwa minasan" says the teacher of the class as she looks around and her eye lock with mine she then singles me to come to the front of the class.

  "Kurasu watashitachiha Amerika no gakusei ga watashitachi ni kuwawatte irunode watashi wa eigo o hanashimasu" says the teacher as the students in the class all say"Ai".

  "Hello" says the teacher in an English voice,"I was just telling the class that I will be speaking English for the school year" she says with a smile," would you like to introduce yourself?" the teacher as you nod you then tell your classmates your full name and were you move from after that you sit down and listen to the lesson while the teacher teaches, but for some reason you couldn't pay attention because you felt like you were being watched.

~After Class~

After class ended you pack up your stuff and see the guy you meet this morning.

You approach him and ask did he know were to find your science class he pointed you in directions and you listen carefully.

"Thanks", you says as you ask him another thing,"oh before I forget what your name?"you ask him.

"Um, Yuki" he says with a smile as you smile back.

"Well its nice to meet you Yuki" you say as you wave goodbye to him.

Yuki POV

She is so beautiful and I can't believe I touch her hand it was so soft and fragile that I thought it might break. I have to keep her to myself I need her. I love her I then started giggling evil like and then laughing crazy as a few people looked at me I ignore them as I think about her smell it was so sweet.

{Obsession} Yandere boys X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum