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Vixiens notes

Move to Sretan today-> means happiness. Is there a reason for that?

Meet w/friends at Evelyn's place- BRING FOOD.

I pause at the tall, unending gate. 

Most towns you just drive in, and ta-da!Here you are. But not Sretan. I googled it, and it came up with some bright pictures- did you know that Sretan means happiness in some language or other?

I hope it fits the town. 

I am a city girl, and I'm sure it will be great. Maybe I ill even forget all about...

I push the thought from my mind.  

"Hello?" I call out, after pushing the cold, heavy gate open. 

"Hello! You must be Vixi! I can't believe we have a new town member!This is just so great!" A girl about my age- 17- comes out. She has short hair, dyed bright blue, and olive skin. She is smiling with her eyes( which are way above my own eyes- which isn't much of a feat considering my smallness).

I, meanwhile, have auburn hair, and brown skin. My eyes ae dark brown, and always seem to be staring off- at least according to Evelyn.

I feel my heart thuddering. I look away from the girl, and hold my hand out. 

"I'm Ember! But you can call me Em, or even Emmy," The girl stated, as took my hand. 

Eletric shots bolt down my arm, as my hand grows sweaty, and my face hot. 

Dammit Vixi. One minute in this town, and you already have a crush. 

"Do you know how to get to 108 Daera road? My parents are already here," I ask.

My parents drove up here this morning, as tehy wanted me to have one more day with my friends. And they decided to make me get my own way here. Some parents they are. 

Ember gestures for me to follow, and as I walk there, I desperetaly hope that this town will be a new start. And that it will be great. 

And that I can put my past behind me.

Sadness in a town full of happinessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum