Prologue: The Beginning

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_3rd POV_
(Y/n) is her name. She was young when her planet was annihilate. She's the last of her kind. She recalled the day her father left her. 'Abandoned' is how she felt.
In mortal years she was only 6 when she went to Asgard. Still compared to other worldly time she was nothing but a young innocent child, unfit to live on a planet filled with war, violence, and death. She walked by her father's side down the long golden hall of the magnificent kingdom,Asgard. Asgard was knows as the greatest of all the nine realms. All the rest of the realms looked to Asgard with respect but also fear. However, her world wasn't very big. It wasn't considered to be one of the nine realms. 'Small but mighty' her father always said.
She always loved Agard. She always wanted to live there,and now she would. Even if it was only for a little while she still wanted to be a part of the prospuroce kingdom.
"How long will I stay here?" (Y/n) asked her Father.
"Not for long hopefully." He smiled. His (e/c) eyes looked into her eyes. Which was just as beatiful as her (e/c) eyes .
"But why? I want to stay here forever!" She exclaimed .
Her father let out a chuckle," You would leave your mother and I?"
" Maybe you can live here too!"
"No my child we belong in our world." He knelt down and kissed her head with a soft smile.
"Ready to meet the king? Remeber your maners." He reminded her.
She nods happily.
The doors opened into the throne room. There she looked upon the king : the ruler of Asgard,the allfather himself, Odin. By his side was his young. The eldest was Thor Odinson , who stood closets to his father. Then the youngest ,who kept close to his mother , Loki. Their mother was Queen Frigga, she was know for her magic. She watched as her father bowed his head. She did the same.
"Odin,I thank you for allowing my daughter for staying with you. I owe you my life for this. I will repay you as you wish once the war with Huntar and his army,the Gratli is over."
Odin nods," I wish I could assist you, Midas, but I have... other ergant matters that need my attend. Do not worry, she will be treated with respect."
"I understand fully. I must leave now. The longer I'm gone I fear of a magor attack. "
Midas kissed his daughter on the head. She smiled and kissed her father's cheek. Not relizing this will be the last time they would be with each other. With that he left her on Asgard.
"How old are you my child." Odin asked and stood walking down to her.
"Im 6."
"How about not in mortal years?"
"Oh. Only 103"
"Hmmm. Close to my youngest sons age...Allow me to introduce you . My eldest is Thor." He patted Thors shoulder. "My youngest is Loki." He patted Loki's head.
"This is my Queen,Frigga." He smiled softly at her.
Frigga smield and walked to (Y/n), "Hello. It's nice to have you here. I shall escort you to your room."
(Y/n) walked with Frigga ,as well as Loki and Thor, to her room. After a short tour of the kingdom Frigga went outside with her.
"(Y/n) you have magic, yes?"
"Yes, I was told it was strong. My mother gave me a neckless to keep some of it contained."
"I want to fight her!" Thor said smirking.
"Don't be an idiot. " Loki said rolling his eyes. "She is probably alot stronger then you, Thor . " Loki added.
(Y/n) giggled. "I belive I am!" She said.
💚Time Skip💚
Later that night, Odin, held a ball in honnor of (Y/n)'s coming. There was dancing ,eating,and lots of fun.
(Y/n) couldn't keep her eyes off of the younger Prince Loki. There eyes meet. They both look away shyly.
(Y/n) slowly made her way over to Loki.
"Hello." She says blushing softly.
Loki smiled, "Hello. Want to dance?" He asked extending his hand for her to take.
"I'd love to." She smiled and took his hand. The dance seemed like it lasted for ever...

~To becontinued...

💚 Yaya! My frist chapter...well it's a prologue but still 😄 The actually chapters will definitely be longer. However Im not only will be working on this book but also my Captain Cold book, which is doing very well. So I hope you like it! Also check out my Captain Cold: Frozen Heart book. 💚

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