Chapter 29 - The Penultimate Move

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Pan makes his way over to Henry, but I can hear them clearly this time due to their proximity to me.

"There you are. Do you care to take a stroll? There's someplace special I'd like to show you," Pan says.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Henry replies coldly.

"Why not, Henry?"

"I think you're lying to me. My family...they're here, on Neverland. I know it."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Does it matter?"

"No. It doesn't. But I'd remiss if I didn't point out what does. If your family's here, Henry, why haven't they come for you?"

"Maybe you're keeping them from me."

"Henry, I promise you, I'm not holding your family prisoner."

Then why do you keep disappearing into the jungle? You're hiding something from me, and I'm gonna find out what it is."

I want to know too. I'll have to ask if he finds out.

Felix and Pan continue whispering to each other. I concentrate on lip-reading as much as I can.

"It would appear we're losing the boy," Felix says.

"He just requires some effort," Pan replies, "given his lineage, I'd expect nothing less."


"Shall I bring the cage here?"

"No...I have another idea," Pan says and they walk away where I can't see them.

What is he planning?

Suddenly, the conch shell that's linked to Ariel's makes a sound, and I forget about Pan for a moment and my weakness, and I make my way to the pool of water where I agreed to meet her.

- - -

I wait by the pool, sitting on the ground and watching for some sign of Ariel. I'm falling asleep when I'm splashed with water.

"Sorry, I forgot how small this pool is, especially after swimming in the ocean," Ariel says, leaning on the edge.

"It's okay. Did you find out anything?" I reply, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up.

"I met the people in Storybrooke, they were nice. And your house is being taken care of by Belle...and um..."

"Ariel," I say and she looks up, "please stop evading. I can't wait any longer, I need to know. Where's Davy Jones?"

"Right..." She replies, pausing and then clearing her throat, "He's...he's close, Davina. He's on his way here."

I suck in a breath, holding back the tears, "I...I thought so..."

"I'm sorry..." Ariel whispers.

"It's not your's mine," I reply.

"No. It's whoever decided to keep Davy Jones alive. It's their fault," Ariel corrects.


"Yeah...her," Ariel says.

"How many days do you think it will take him to get here?"

"Ummm...five or six..."

"Bloody hell..." I whisper to myself. "Well, it looks like I need to prepare myself."

There's silence for a few moments. My hand goes to the vial of Neverland water that's still hung around my neck. I roll the glass between my fingers, thoughts swirling around in my head.

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