Masons POV
I got up to the roof after hearing that's where they were. Leonardo swung around and shot at me but I moved. " GIVE HIM BACK TRATOR!" I yelled to be heard over the helicopter." And what are you gonna do about it?" He chuckled as I leaped out. " ITS MOT FUNNY ANYMORE, QUIT BEING A SPOILED BRAT, HE ISN'T A TOY HES A HUMAN. Now it was a gun show. Gun pointed at gun. " and you've gotten soft little brother." He spat at me. " no I've just made a true man out of myself." I said with pride but then he turned and grabbed Carter, pointing the barrel to his head. " let him go. What do you want?!" He tapped the death machine against Carters head. " oh my my dearest brother it's not about what I want, it's what I need. And I need you dead." I think I understood now, what it took to give Carter freedom." Carter, Princess hold on." I slowly put my gun down. " he can't hear you." Leonardo chuckled and I looked up." What did you do!" I grit my teeth. Looking over I saw Carters ears caked in dried blood. "YOU'L PAY FOR THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
" Now now Mason, don't speak of mummy like that, I mean it is your fault they are dead isn't? Or wait is it mine? " he cackled and stepped into the helicopter with Carter in hand. " stay down dog." He smiled and raised his gun. The next thing I remember was this throbbing pain in my chest and Carters screams before my body gave out and fell to the floor.

Carters POV
I felt the cock of his shoulder move and he fired two shots into Mason's chest. "NOO!" I could feel the words forming and leaving my mouth but I couldn't hear anything. I knew I was scream and I know my heart just bursts into a million little pieces as the man I could probably say I loved hit the ground and didn't move. The tears streamed down my face for the second time that day and my hope of escape and freedom just got shot. I don't know whether I wept silently or if I was a sobbing mess but I know I cried for a very long time until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was so cold. I opened my eyes to see snow! What the fuck, it's summer! I knew we were far from Spain with the mountains we were flying over and when we landed a blizzard was beginning to swipe through wherever here was, Leonardo made me walk despite not having shoes. By the time we got there I couldn't feel my feet so he took me upstairs and put me in a bathroom shower. It felt nice when the water hit my body but the blood from my ears started to show and it made me think of Mason and his lifeless body. My hand shot to my mouth to keep from sobbing, my heart felt like it had been ripped from its spot in my chest. I came back to realization when the water hit the burn marks and sent daggers through my shoulder and chest. Hissing I wiggled over a little bit to kept the water off my shoulder. Looking up I saw Leonardo smile as he took the shower head and aimed it directly at my shoulder. "STOP IT!" It hurt so much but I knew at the same time this is technically cleaning the wound.

He put me in a room with two beds. It was a tiny room but it was better than a cold, dark, damp one. He untied my hands but my arms ached so much I could lay waste to his face with my fist, they alerts to stiff. I slowly moved them forwards feeling the joints pop under my skin. Looking at my wrists I wasn't surprised to see the red marks, bruises and cuts. That's what happens when your hands have been tied behind your back for so many days. I didn't even know Leonardo left until I looked back, I mean it's not like I could hear him, my ears were fucked up before but now they were worse. I laid down on one of two beds and closed my eyes, dreaming of Mason and I together again.

Mason's POV

I woke up aching all over, my eyes felt heavy and my lids opened slowly. The light in the room was too bright for my eyes, I had no idea where the hell I was when I woke up but I knew it wasn't anywhere I had been in my lifetime." Hello?" I called out but no reply. I'm thinking this is one of those stupid in movie shit where your unconscious and someone is gonna show up and talk to me. I wasn't really about that, it was just cheesy.

I woke up for the second time that day or however long it had been and was welcomed with hospital noises. " Muratore!" My baby sister wrapped her smaller arms around me when there was a sudden pain in my chest. Grunting I slightly pushed her away and grabbed my shoulder which was wrapped. " What happened?" I gritted out. " um Muratore, Carter is gone. He got him." Shit, shit! I wen to get up but the pain shot through my shoulder again." No don't move! It's ok, Albania's got a tracker on them." She rubbed my arm. I went to put my hand in my head when I felt a warm liquid on my finger tips." Shit." I whispered but Jo caught on. " Really Mason?" She got up to buzz for the nurse." I'm fine Jiovanni, it's just a little blood." She rolled her eyes and pressed the button anyways.

After the nurse had restitch end me she left with a wink." Am I really that attractive." I smiled and rubbed my chin, there was more than my usual stubble. There was a beard! " no your really not." She giggled a little and smiled back." Hey how long have I been out?" The smile that once graced her face suddenly faded." Um it's been about a week.... And a half." She lowered her head as if she knew what I was going to do next. "WHAT!" I roared throwing off my sheets and pulling the IV out of my arm. " I don't have time to waste on this!" I got out of bed against Jiovanni's will. The doctors and nurses tried to restrain me but I pushed pass them. I walked down the hall and saw one of my men." Call for the car." He nodded and pulled a phone out. When we got out to the entrance there was a black SUV waiting for us. " MURATORE! Get back inside you aren't healed yet!" I heard Ji call out. " sorry sis, got be the knight in shining armor." Waving as I got in the car I watched her still frozen as the car started to move, I know she'd be safer here and I know Carter is a long ways away but I needed to protect my family too. Soon we reached the meeting point and I was greeted by a blonde Russian. " Glad to see you've finally awoken." She cracked a smile and ushered me in. " go change... There are clothes for you over there."

Getting dressed was super hard I mean like ouch. I knew I shouldn't be moving around the way I was and that my wounds would open plenty more times but that's the way it'll be I guess, it doesn't matter until Carter is safe. " what am I some kind of sexy detective or something?" I looked it the mirror. She had me in black pants, nice shoes, a tight long sleeve turtle next and gun holster. I rolled my eyes as I turned on the sink getting ready to shave off this disgusting beard. I've never found facial hair attractive... Especially on me. I made my way back to the meeting room where I was met by a smiling blonde." You look hot." She laughed. " really hot." I grunted and rolled my eyes." Now Ian the time Albina. We have things to do, and a princess to save."

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