Chapter 3 Getting Ready for the Ball

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What do you mean your a girl you acted as a guy looked like a guy and said you were a guy why would you not tell me this!

Well I didn't know any thing about you and I think it would have been worse if I came up to you and said hi I am your captain and I am a 17 year old girl. Do you think it is right to go up to some one and tell them all your secrets. Why do you think I became a pirate cause I stole something? No I hated my life and all the expectation's from everyone.

Ais calm down your face is getting as red as Caleb's. You don't want to say something you'll regret.

You know what I think your right Andrew I am sorry Caleb I should have told you sooner. Anyways considering the Circumstances my real name is Aislynn and yes I am her please treat me the same as you always treated me and call me Ais never call me Aislynn it brings back to many bad memories.  

You know Ais Stop I should be the one saying sorry it's your personal information and since you are her I understand why you would like to keep it a secret.

I love you 2 are getting along and everything but what's the plan for the kidnap and will I get to use my sword?

Well William you just might get to use your sword here's the plan.... 

I hate the plan I have to put on a dress and attend the ball since I am a girl when I get down to the cargo where my old dresses are none of them are plain and simple I end up picking a dark green dress with half sleeves my hair goes down all the way to the middle of my back my hair is wavy I never really paid attention to my hair since I always wore a hat. I get ready for the ball and head on deck.


I know Caleb I look terrible dresses are not my thing.

No you look great Ais you look very pretty

He blushes at what he just said and turns around "Well I gotta run don't wanna be late.

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