new years day + fredag (part 4)

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JAN 1 2016


   'Okay, Mr Rasmussen, there is just a bit of paper work that needs to be done. Discharge protocol...'
   'Of course!'

   Elli was standing at a main reception desk in the Oslo Hospital with her father. He was being tediously nice.
   It turns out that when the government got involved, she couldn't hide from her family. Her father was her emergency contact number, legal guardian. It was also listed she still lived with him.
   It didn't take long for Elli to devise a plan though, as it was as simple as putting her father in a public position of conflict. At first she had thought she could just tell one of the nurses, but her father never left her side. She then thought she could get him fired up so that he would do something, like, illegal in front of others, but he was as calm as could be. It was her last thought that was the safest and most logical 'escape' plan: she would find someone of her knowing and leave with them-- how she was going to do it was still a work in progress.

   'Hey, uh, father?'
   'Yes, darling?'
   'I've just seen the friend I was with last night, I haven't been able to see him yet and would really like to talk to him. You know William, right?'

   Elli's father looked around, trying to find William. When he found he couldn't actually see him he smirked at Elli, about to say no, when he noticed the nurse watching with a small smile.

   'Oh, well, honey... I mean, you'll have to stay here to help with your paperwork, you'll be able to see him later.'
   'Oh no, Sir, it's only the guardian that can complete the discharge files.'
   'Oh, well it's sorted then, I'll meet you in the foyer on the ground floor in half an hour, father.'


   Elli was wandering down the halls, trying to find William somewhere in the maze. Out of luck it only took her ten minutes.


   'Oh, easy there with the hugs, broken ribs.'
   'Do you know what happened?'
   'Not really... Some guys beat us up, that's all I can muster. I don't know why or how.'
   'I've been looking all over for you! They haven't let me see you! We asked the nurses and they said your father requested no one visit you, is this true?'
   'He's here?'
   'Oh, I am going to beat that bastar-'


   When Elli had told Chris that she needed him to get her out of the hospital, all his anger fused.
   She needed him.
   Of course, multiple obstacles were in place, but Elli had solutions to all of them.
   1. She wasn't discharged.
    In which Elli had explained her father was in the process of doing so.
   2. He could easily call the cops and say she'd been kidnapped.
   Elli had then brought forward the fact that he would then be inviting cops to prod into his personal life, which was ugly and terribly criminal.
   3. He would try to find her.
   'He hasn't for the whole time I've been living with you.'

   'Fair enough, lets go.'

published: 12.feb.2017

i. HOME     chris schistad  [EDITING]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα