WAGs discuss : Food!

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I should be studying but this is SO MUCH better haha ❤ have fun!

Weirdest thing you've ever tried?
Hmmm... some weirdish pasta somewhere in Austria? I don't really experiment with food

Usually tea

Soup. Always

Can you cook? What do you usually make?
Lol I ain't really the best when it comes to makin something edible and non poisonous 😂 I can make pancakes, Mac n cheese, lasagna, ham and eggs, toast, some cookies idk 😂


Fav drink?
Well... apple juice and hot chocolate

Something you'd like to learn how to cook?
Any kind of seafood


More milk or more cereal

Nutella - yay or nay?
Nutella 4 life

Favorite candy or snack?
Anything with chocolate. Idk, reese's cups, Kinder eggs...

Now the crucial question-favorite food?
All kinds of pasta, pizza and fish

Do you drink alcohol?
Sometimes, but a very small amount

If you could have only one drink and meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Haaaard... probably apple juice and pizza?

That's it for now... get ready for the next very long chapter - it's gonna be interesting! 💚

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