Epilogue ☼ Not Afraid Anymore

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It didn't stop him from worrying, of course. He demanded updates from Jian Yi and Zhengxi at nearly all parts of the day atop the text updates he would get from Guanshan. Nothing ever in a controlling way, just making sure that the boy was as content and as safe as he could be at school.

Jian Yi was always texting He Tian anymore anyway, seemingly having deemed him as a bestfriend. Which, therefore, Zhengxi was dragged into the 'friendship' as well. The reunion between He Tian and the blondish pair in general had been interesting. The only person Guanshan had told about He Tian's rather bloody arrival was Seonigmi, and that was hours later when the worried mother had called her son about the blood on their doorstep. Guanshan couldn't be blamed, of course, he'd been in a rather great state of shock.

When Guanshan hadn't showed up to school two days in a row, Jian Yi and Zhengxi all but forced themselves into Guanshan's house. Guanshan and He Tian had returned back to Guanshan with He Tian still heavily relying on painkillers, and Guanshan had been doing dishes in the kitchen when Jian Yi and Zhengxi burst in and rushed down the hall. Guanshan, having not seen the two, thought someone was after He Tian and ended up scrambling after them with a paring knife.

Of course he quickly realized there wasn't any threat after Zhengxi flung his arms out in front of Jian Yi to defend the blond, who wasn't at all paying attention to either of them. Rather, Jian Yi had promptly burst into messy tears and was blubbering as he tried to yank He Tian into a hug. To which He Tian was groggy with medication, half asleep having been woken up from a nap, but still having none of the sudden affection. Guanshan came to his rescue thankfully, pushing the boy off of him, albeit possessively as well, but He Tian let Jian Yi hug him after he was much more coherent and determined to make Guanshan jealous.

A bowl being placed on the side table beside him snapped him out of his thoughts, and his gaze flickered up to meet the raised eyebrows and blue eyes of Guanshan. With one arm broken and the other not only having the stiffness of once broken fingers but also a missing finger, He Tian had some difficulties using silverware still. Guanshan had taken it upon himself to spoon feed He Tian, generally.

"Thank you, babe," He Tian murmured, but he used his good leg to suddenly wrap it around Guanshan's behind and yank the boy atop him.

The redhead gave a yelped protest, twisting away from He Tian's bad leg, "Jesus- are you trying to hurt yourself today?"

"I've been alone here all day while you were at school and I just want your company," He Tian replied innocently, wrapping his arms tightly around Guanshan.

And the pale skin of the boy's was always so soft. He Tian took advantage of stroking it with his thumbs in hopes of relaxing Guanshan's tense body. It worked slightly, but Guanshan only pulled away and stood back up on his feet.

"You need to eat and I need to clean the kitchen."

With a false pout, He Tian looked at the redhead, "You aren't going to feed me?"

For awhile He Tian had been able to get away with acting helpless in order to have the boy's constant attention. In fact, for the first few weeks they were practically glued at the hip. Only when Guanshan was certain He Tian wasn't going to up and disappear so suddenly again did he slowly start reverting back to a healthy distance.

"I know you can use a spoon."

"Guanshan," He Tian dragged out, purposely being as whiny as he was capable of. He tried to stand up, but a pale hand placed itself on his shoulder.

"I'm going to go in the kitchen and you're going to eat. You need to start taking better care of yourself."

"That's what I have you for."

Strange Love [19 Days Fanfiction - He Tian/Redhead]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя