"Holiday! Having heated liaisons with strangers is a holiday?" I flop back hard into the sofa.

"Sounds like my type of holiday," Paige whispers.

Greg ignores our comments, "I envision that you could stay a few weeks interviewing a minimum of three men in each city. I'd have you start in the outback town of Darwin to tropical Port Douglas, down to the cities of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Then next year travelling to the Western Australia then up through the middle. You should finish the series well within two years, hopefully in less. I've also planned that in each town, you go onto an online dating service using the same MO, picking similar age, occupation and wealth. You would see where one date ends up but you must let them make the all the moves. If nothing happens and he is a total gentleman, well that's what you document. You must act exactly the same with each man you meet, keeping up the same story. You may meet respectful gentlemen that don't want to jump you as soon as they see you and that's probably due to the way you define yourself online. Find out what they do want and write it down. If you feel you don't want to go through with one of them, well pull the plug and get out and restart the next day. But document everything and I'll edit out what I don't want." Greg eventually sits back into his chair. "I will pay for all your expenses. All hotel costs, car hire and clothes. I will get you on the guest list to high calibre functions and have you attend the best of night clubs."

"Do you know how unsafe this all is? I could be raped or worse, killed," I gasp, still shocked at his proposal.

"Paige will go with you and be with you the whole time. She will never leave your side especially when you're interviewing a man. You must always use your room- that is if it escalates that far and only if you want it to. Let me make that clear – I'm not asking you to have sexual relations with anyone. But you will have adjoining rooms so she will be there every minute. I'll make sure each hotel you stay at employs security staff. Also I have these personal security alarms, and  when set off, will deafen a neighbourhood. You will have one and Paige the other. If you're in trouble she will be there in seconds," he reassures me, showing me two thumb size remotes similar to a house or garage remote. "They must be pressed together to stop the siren so no one can turn them off, only you two can."

"And that makes it safe?"

Startling me, the house phone rings. Paige answers it briefly and hangs up.

"Dad, that was mum. She wants you to pick her up from the Tupperware party she's at. She's had too much to drink to drive home."

"Tiff, don't leave. Have a think while I'm gone and have some questions for me when I get back." He reaches for his keys and heads for the door.

"I'll keep her company until you get back, dad."

He shuts the door behind him leaving my head in a spin. I try to put his proposition into perspective. But I am being asked to prostitute myself no matter how he dresses it up.

"I know what you must be thinking, but I have my own proposition for you," Paige whispers as if someone is in the next room.

"No, I don't think you know what I'm thinking because your father didn't ask you to do this. Did he, he asked me?"

"That's my proposition. I'll come with you but I will do all the seducing....or as dad calls it, interviewing. You can do the boring online dating stuff." She sits next to me with a sincere look in her eyes. "You can concentrate on what you do best, writing, and I'll concentrate on what I do best, seducing men."

"And what, you tell me every gory detail. It won't work. I need to be a part of it. I need to hear and see it for myself. I need to know how you seduced them. I can't write the facts from your words. Greg's right, it has to be one persons opinion all the way through," I frown, surprised by her offer.

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