#12 He has a cute sneezing fit

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so, first of all, sorry for not updating last week but I just had no idea and I sill don’t - so you are still free to send me some requests. This preference is requested and I hope you guys like it. Sorry if it sucks but really I don’t how a cute sneezing fit is like and the same thing five times sounded boring to me.

Louis: You are caught up in the cleaning of the house when Louis comes to you and pulls on the hem of your skirt like a little child. “I’m bored. Can’t we go out?” he whines. You slap his hand away shooting him a warning glare and turn around again continuing your cleaning. “Y/N, please!!!!” he coos in your ear wrapping his arm around your waist from behind. You can’t stop yourself from smiling and raise your shoulder to ear because his breath is tickling you. “I have to do the housework” you whisper. “Can’t you do that later?” “No, because then I no longer will have the motivation to and this needs to be done.” “Then can we at least go out after it?” “We can.” He smiles satisfied about your answer and takes a seat on the couch waiting for you to get finished. But the housework occupies you for a bit longer than he first has thought and gets bored again. You take a ladder and put it next to the wardrobe and take the feather duster in your hand. “Y/N” Louis suddenly whines next to you and pulls the hem of your skirt again. You flinch and almost fall from the ladder. “You scared me” you whisper yell angrily and hit him with the feather duster. He winces and looks at you with wide before his whiny expression reappears on his face. “Y/N, you said we’d go out.” “I said we’d go out after I’m done. And as you can see I’m not done yet.” “Then do it faster” he suggest making you raise your eyebrows in disbelief. “I would have finished it if you would stop distracting me and if you would help me” you snap. “Sorry” he mumbles with an apologetic look. You roll your eyes and sweep the dust from the wardrobe with the feather duster. The dust lands unintentionally on Louis and he takes a step back. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t on purpose.” Louis looks up to you with eyes wide. He opens his mouth and you get ready to hear some of his sass but instead of this he narrows his eyes, covers his mouth and nose and sneezes. “Bless you” comes out of you when he straightens himself. “Than…hatschuuu!” Louis sneezes again and also a third time. You automatically compare him to your cat when it puts its paws on its face. You smile over your comparison and climb down from the ladder. “You okay?” you ask putting your hands on his shoulders. Louis raises his head and looks as if he has no clue where he is. He sniffles and rubs the tears from his eyes. “Yeah, I just have a dust allergy.” “Sorryyyyyy, I didn’t know.” You pout and give him the puppy look. “It’s okay. Come here.” He opens his arms and you snuggle into them. “You were looking like Kitty when you were sneezing” you mumble. He chuckles and before he can response he sneezes again. You laugh because you feel his body vibrating.

Harry: Harry is laying on the couch and is asleep tight. You don’t want to wake him up all the more after knowing that he had barely any sleep because he is still jetlagged. You sigh and your gaze wanders to the tv screen again where nothing interesting is on. After three hours of more boredom you take a decision and go over to Harry. “Harry” you whisper in his ear. Harry doesn’t react. “Harry” you say a little louder and poke his shoulder. He groans in response but does not open his eyes. “Harry!!!” you whine annoyed. “What” he mumbles. “I’m bored. Let’s do something.” “I’m tired.” “You slept almost 6 hours. Your sleeping circle won’t get better when you go on like this” you explain. You look at Harry and your jaw falls down in disbelief. He is fallen asleep again. If you can’t have fun with wake Harry you at least will have fun with asleep Harry you decide and go to your bedroom. There you open your pillow and take a feather out. Armed you go back to Harry sitting next to him on the floor. “Harryyy” you coo giving him a last chance. When he again doesn’t react you take the feather to his nose and rub it slightly against it. Harry winces and you back off a little waiting for him to wake up. He doesn’t and you sigh. This time you rub the feather a little longer on his nose till he rubs his nose with his hand. Suddenly he sneezes so hard that you jump back a little and then laugh at him. He sneezes a second and a third time. You are laying on the ground laughing so hard at Harry’s lost face expression. “Y/N, what did you do?” he asks sniffling and sits. You show him the feather and hold in your laughter. He sneezes again and you burst out laughing. “You’re going to regret this, Y/N” he says and jumps up. You get to your feet and run away from him, your boredom vanished.

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