Chapter 2

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It was the middle of the night, and Dayna stumbled into the bathroom. Her half-asleep body was on automatic pilot as she headed towards the toilet. She was still naked as she and Daryl never emerged from the room after the shower they took. They were making up for lost time by having as much sex as Daryl could handle. He wasn't getting any younger, and by the time they went to sleep, he was sexed out...for now.

Dayna sat down in the dark and knew immediately the seat wasn't there. It was down when they finally went to bed, but it wasn't now as she felt herself falling. Her butt landed in the water, and her hips hit the porcelain bowl. Neither was fun, and one was painful. "Goddamn it Daryl!" she cried out.

She hated that he occasionally smoked in the room, she hated the clothes strewn all over the floor, but she hated this the most. Why he couldn't do this for her, she didn't know. That he wouldn't even make an attempt to her hurt, both emotionally and physically. Dayna dried her wet bottom with his towel. "Payback is a bitch," she thought. Then she finished what she came in to do and returned to the bedroom.

Now she was wide awake. She was none too gentle getting back into bed, and he groaned his displeasure while turning over. "Fucking dick," she mumbled.

It was a small thing, but it was important to her. That he wouldn't make an effort to put the seat down made her feel disrespected. A man and woman together in a committed relationship should respect each other, and she was back to feeling that wasn't the case.

During the day she could see seat was up and just put it down. However, at night when she had to get up, she was always out of it and never thought to check. Falling into the toilet was humiliating, wet, and painful. She knew she'd have a bruise tomorrow. That's why it pissed her off so much. Didn't he care about that?

Dayna tossed and turned the rest of the night until sunrise came. Then she got up, got dressed but didn't have a single thing to do. The sun was barely up, and everyone else was still asleep. She went downstairs, sat on the window seat and just stared outside. She and Daryl still needed to talk, but in the mood she was in right now, she was better off not saying a word.

When Daryl woke up, he was surprised that Dayna wasn't still in bed. He always rose before she did. If she were needed at the infirmary, he would have heard it when someone would have knocked on the door. They had a great evening with more sex than he could remember. Daryl got dressed quickly and headed downstairs to see where she was.

Dayna heard his footsteps coming down the stairs before she saw him. She knew the slow way he always walked down them. Dayna quickly wiped away a threatening tear before looking over at him. She wished she knew what about him was so damn irresistible to her. He had tugged at her heart strings right from the start when she barely knew him. He was dirty, gruff, and ever so protective of her from that very first day they met on that long lonely road that was leading her right into hell. She found him devastatingly handsome, yet his tendency to brood only enhanced her attraction. He reminded her of the guy you always wanted to be with, but could never take home to the parents. The rebel in her loved him and his motorcycle. She also knew she could trust him with her life and he would die protecting her. He was her knight. There was just something going on between them that they needed to fix, or neither of them was going to be happy.

"You're up early," he said walking over to her and joining her on the window seat. That was his favorite spot in the house. Everyone knew that was his area.

"Couldn't sleep," she told him.

"Why not? Didn't I exhaust you enough last night?' he teased giving her shoulder a nudge with his.

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