Chapter 19

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"Enjolras?" Gavroche asked him, walking next to us.


"Can I play with my friends? I promise I'll meet you outside the bakery when you're done" Gavroche asked as we started walking away from the cafe. It took me a while but I eventually persuaded Enjolras to open the door for the boys.

"Okay, but be safe" he said, letting Gavroche go. I watched him as he ran off to join a group of kids about 8 years old.

"Wait how will he know where to find us? What if he gets lost" I panicked over my brother.

"He's fine" Enjolras said.

The others were quite a bit ahead and Courf and Taire had caught up with them, I felt myself pulling Enjolras along, desperate to start it. My body was flowing with nervous excitement.

"Right I need to talk to you" he said seriously and I turned around to face him. He stopped where we were standing.

"Okay, many people will disagree with the fact that we are letting a woman in our revolution, and to be honest, I agreed at the start" he started and I felt myself get angry.

"Not now though" he said quickly and I relaxed. "I mean it though, I don't want you getting hurt, just stay quiet and don't say anything and let me do the talking. I don't want you to go missing again. I saw that dark haired guy at the inn, I don't trust him. Just don't say a word at all. Under no circumstances. Just stay silent" he said and I bit the side of my cheek. Like hell I was staying quiet.

We caught up with the rest of the boys who were standing in the centre of the town. They had turned a large wooden crate upside down and were scattered around it waiting for us.

"Remember what I said" Enjolras hissed in my ear and I nodded as he hoisted me up and the others climbed and joined me. He pushed me to the back of the gang of students and I pulled a face at him which he dismissed with a warning look. Someone was grumpy.

"Where are the leaders of the land?" Enjolras began, his angelic voice causing people to stop what they were doing and glance in our direction. Because of my small stature I couldn't see anything and jumped up and down to see the back of Enjolras' coat. Marius had joined him at the front.

"Where are the swells who run this show" he said, causing people to stir.

"Only one man- General Lamarque, speaks for the people here below!" Marius yelled and the beggars standing by our feet started shouting roudily.

"LaMarque is ill and fading fast, won't last a week out so they say!" Enjolras said, causing some people in our 'audience' to gasp.

"With all the anger in the land, how long before the judgement day!" Ferre, came in. People were loving it.

"Before we cut the fat ones down to size" Enjolras said passionately, earning cheers from the audience. That was it. I pushed my way through the group and ducked past Enjolras. I proudly stood in front of him and yelled.

"Before the barricades arrive!"

"I swear to god does she ever bloody listen!" I heard Enjolras moan to Ferre. Grantaire slapped me on the back and Courf tried hard to keep a straight face at Enjolras' anger.

The people in the audience didn't know how to react at my presence, some cheered and some jeered. I wouldn't let my smile falter however and stood there until Joly grabbed my arm and we jumped off the crate. The boys got to work handing out flyers and waving the flag we had. I felt a strong hand wrap around my arm.

"What the hell! You stole my line! You couldn't even follow one simple instruction, no wonder I won't let you on the barricade!" Enjolras shouted at me, causing the attention of nearby beggars.

"Maybe if you weren't a dick about this today and let me be involved I wouldn't have stolen your lousy line. Get a grip!" I shouted back.


"Only insult of yours is it?" I challenged him. His eyeline shifted upwards and above my head and before I could say something again, he pulled me into him and fiercely pressed his lips to mine.

All of the anger I had felt pulsated through this kiss. Obviously, to my luck, he decided to kiss me at the worse possible time, when I was still mad at him. I tried to push him off me but he was too strong. I sensed my friends looking at us and that's when I heard it.

"I swear Ponine, you tell me where she is. Or you'll get hurt" Montparnesse's voice rang out, clear as day. I didn't care what Éponine did to me, but he wasn't going to lay a finger on my sister.

I pulled away from the kiss, however I was still in his grasp.

"Do as I say for once, kiss me" he hushed and touched my lips again until I heard the voice disappear and Enjolras let me go.

"What was that?!" I said breathlessly, but couldn't find the right emotions. I was lost for words, but I didn't sound half as angry as I intended.

"He was going to see you! Or at least hear you because of that big mouth of yours!" He replied.

Courf stepped in between us, eyes bright and trying to look serious.

"Okay lovebirds calm it" he warned us. "Apologise, both of you"

"I'm not apologising, I did nothing wrong" I stated.

"Neither did I, I'm not saying sorry" Enjolras said.

Courf huffed and shook his head.

"Remind me why I'm trying to reconcile the two most stubborn people" he said, mostly to himself. Enjolras must have known he wasn't going to win this argument as he groaned.

"Fine... I'm sorry for shouting" he said like a child.

"I forgive you" I replied and he looked gobsmacked.

"What?! No you have to apologise too!" He frowned.

"Stop frowning so much, you'll get wrinkles" I told him, turning around, flipping my hair and going over to join Grantaire.

"Oh she's good" Courf said under his breath

Love is enough- Les Mis fanfic/EnjolrasWhere stories live. Discover now