"Cut her loose." Reese replies eyeing me with a mean glare.

They let go of her and she nervously walks out of the store looking back once more before mouthing "thank you."

Its just us 3 now... 2 guns pointed at me i know i'm in trouble and more than anything i wish I had back up . 

"So what now?" Reese says looking around paranoid.

"That lady gon call the boys for sure so we ain't got time for games." He barks at me.

Doughboy paces then looks in the bag they brought.

"Dawg we still short... Bout 3 stacks." He says.

I see a hint of fear in Reese's eyes and he mutters "Shit...yo we better off in jail we got 24 hours left man."

I get an idea and say "Hey is there an ATM in here?"

Nodding yes Reese replies " It's in the back we ain't got time to bust it tho. "

The sound of sirens in the distance heightens the tension.

"Yo we should never have let her go!" Reese yells frantic.

"Nigga ain't no way her big ass got to a phone that quick."

"They are here for the car.." I say
They both double take and look at me like I'm crazy.

"Man what car my shit is legit." Doughboy says arms crossed.

"I stole a cops car...." I say proudly.

They both look at me and say "Damn!" At the same time nodding their heads in approval.

"They don't know anything about this they are after me you two just go out the back and I'll deal with it." I say hoping to make a deal.

"Bullshit!!" Yells Reese!

"Ain't no pig gonna just let us go," Reese rages gun pointed back at me.

Aiming my gun back and forth between them both i yell " Look this is your last chance!"

A cell phone rings. Reese reaches in his pocket and reluctantly answers the call.

"We ran into a little trouble..." Reese whispers into the phone

Doughboy lowers his gun and steps over to Reese.

"We ain't have the money we tried to hit the store but a cop fucked it up." He mutters.

"Yeah we got the money " he says looking over at me again.

I can't hear what the other person on the phone is saying but they seem relieved .

"Alright 10 minute's man. " Reese says giving Doughboy a smile.

He hangs up and walks over to me "OK look this is how its going down you hide this bag for us"

I shake my head no fear welling up inside me

"Look I'm not a dirty cop." I say scared.

Doughboy cock's his gun and yells "I ain't ask you that now give me your wallet."

I slowly reach into my pocket and hand over my wallet.

Reese grabs my wallet and says "Well i got your name and address so do what i ask and you wont have no problems."

Doughboy lowers his gun again and looks at me with a pleading face and says

"Look we ain't trying to hurt you so just do what we ask cause if this man don't get his money everyone you care about gon die."

I shake my head yes against my better judgment  and i put my gun away.

"My job is probably non existent any way and I've been so reckless what's one more fuck up right?" I laugh .

Reese gives me a little half smile and says" Yo you alright for a cop. " Doughboy laughs and agrees.

"Well maybe we can help you out we figure us getting locked up is a good excuse for the money being late so arrest us and  let's go our separate ways?"

   "This is a joke why would you willingly go to jail?" I question .

They laugh "It was never about jail we'll be out in a hour long as he get that bag."

They weren't bad people well they definitely are gang members but there's softness there too.

"Go outside holler for yo boyz, tell em you got a robbery."
Reese says non challant .

Doughboy says "Hold up make it look real."

I shrug my shoulders "how,"

"We got this." Reese laughs him and Doughboy dap each other and turn to face me

I don't know what im getting myself into but i need a way out of this car situation.

I turn to face them i pull out my gun and yell
"Hands on the ground."

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