Art and Such

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Look a new gwynall I already love herr

Look a new gwynall I already love herr

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Shes even gayer than Persimmon

Shes the original butch and she taught Persimmon her ways

Shes also dead :( being a soldier can kinda do that to you

Shes also dead :( being a soldier can kinda do that to you

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Tiny doodle of a random person idk

And onto kind of important stuff

So anyways if you didn't know sketch was my persona

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So anyways if you didn't know sketch was my persona

But I'm kind of eh about her and idk I don't feel like she's very me or whatever and so i kinda removed her from persona status

Anyways I made a character that is now more of me or whatever and here he is

Anyways I made a character that is now more of me or whatever and here he is

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This is Andy

And before you say anything about him being a guy and me being a female just don't

I know it may be strange but I like him as my persona and yeah so yeah I'm bad at explaining things

The Doodle Armory (4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora